accept(File) - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane, false if it shouldn't.
account_type_anonymous - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
account_type_user - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.InfoBar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class NGClient
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PanelDebug
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ServerCommunication
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Adds an attribute at the end of the list of attributes
addAttributes(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
It increases number of attributes at all nodes of all trees by number.
addAttributes(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
It increases number of attributes at all nodes by number.
addAttributes(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
It increases number of attributes at the node by the given number.
addAttributes(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue
It increases number of attributes at the node by the number.
addEndNodeIgnoreValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
addEndNodeIgnoreValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Adds a value that should be ignored at the end node.
addExtension(String) - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
addInfo(String, String) - Method in class NGClient
It adds an informative message to the acutal content of a special info bar.
addInfoNotLocalized(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ShowMessagesAble
Adds a non-localized information for a user; the previous info is not deleted before
addInfoNotLocalized(String) - Method in class NGClient
It adds an informative message to the acutal content of a special info bar.
addServerName(String) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
addServerPort(int) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
addStartNodeIgnoreValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
addStartNodeIgnoreValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Adds a value that should be ignored at the start node.
addTree(NGTree) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Adds a tree as the new last tree in the forest.
addTree(NGTree) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Adds a tree to be viewed.
addValueDependentRule(String, Color, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
addValueDependentRule(String, Color, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Adds a rule to influence the way of displaying the reference.
AHTable - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue
an array representing a set of values of attributes of a node
Attribute - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
Class Attribute keeps general properties of an attribute of nodes in trees.
Attribute() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with default properties.
Attribute(String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with a given name and default properties.
Attribute(String, int) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with given properties.
Attribute(String, int, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with given properties.
Attribute(String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with given properties.
Attribute(String, int, String, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Creates an attribute with given properties.


brother - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode


CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
Class CaretControlEnabledComboboxEditor extends class BasicComboBoxEditor.
CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor
center() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
changeDir(String) - Method in class ServerCommunication
changeDisplay() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Changes the state of displaying the pattern if editable
changeDisplay() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Changes the state of displaying the reference if editable.
changePassword(String, String, String) - Method in class ServerCommunication
ChangePasswordDialog - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account
This class displays a dialog window for changing a users's password.
ChangePasswordDialog(Frame, String, boolean, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
Creates new ChangePasswordDialog
changeReferenceStatus(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Changes the state of (non-)displaying the i-th reference
CharCode - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
Class CharCode converts strings from one character coding to another.
CharCode() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
check_preview_default - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
clearAllInfo() - Method in class PanelFiles
clearEndNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
clearEndNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Clears the list of values to be ignored at the end node.
clearPassword() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
clearPasswords() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
clearStartNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
clearStartNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Clears the list of values to be ignored at the start node.
clearValueDependentValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
clearValueDependentValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Clears the rules of displaying the reference according to a value of another attribute.
coding_ascii - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
coding_graphics - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
coding_pseudo - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
coding_semi_graphics - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
coding_unicode - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
COLOR_SCHEME_BLACK_AND_WHITE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a color scheme for painting trees - a black and white scheme for printing on black and white printers
COLOR_SCHEME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a color scheme for painting trees - a default colored scheme
connect(String, int) - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
It creates a connection with the server - a socket and two streams
connected() - Method in class PanelFiles
CoreferencePattern - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
Title: CoreferencePattern Description: Class for keeping one pattern of coreferences in trees Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 Company: Charles University in Prague, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
CoreferencePattern() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
CoreferencePattern(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Creates an empty pattern
createDisplayValueArea(JPanel) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
createDisplayValueArea(JPanel) - Method in class QuerySelectionDialog
createUI(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky - package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account - package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account
cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties - package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees - package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees


debug(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ShowMessagesAble
Shows a debug message
debug(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Displays a debugging message.
debug(String) - Method in class NGClient
It writes a debug message to a special tab or standard output.
debug(String) - Method in class PanelDebug
deleteAttributes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Deletes all attributes in the forest head.
destroy() - Method in class NGClient
It closes the communication with the server.
destroy() - Method in class ServerCommunication
determineColor(TNode, ReferencePattern, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Sets the color for printing a reference.
determineColor(TNode, ReferencePattern, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets the color for printing a reference.
DIRECTION_LEFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a left-right direction for ordering nodes (e.g. for Czech, English)
DIRECTION_RIGHT_LEFT - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a right-left direction for ordering nodes (e.g. for Arabic)
disconnect() - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
disconnected() - Method in class PanelFiles
displayItemComment(JPanel, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
displayItemValue(JPanel, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
displayItemValue(JPanel, String) - Method in class QuerySelectionDialog
displayStatistics() - Method in class PanelTrees
drawDescription(Graphics, String, int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Draws a description of one attribute to one node.
drawDescription(Graphics, String, int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Draws one attribute as a part of a label of a node.
drawTree(NGTree, TNode, TNode, int, int, Graphics2D) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Draws one tree of the forest.


EOL - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
EOL - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
a line break in messages with the server.
EOL - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
EOL_2 - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
an alternative line break in messages with the server.
EOL_char - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
EOL_String - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
EOM - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
an end-of-message character in messages with the server.
EOM - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_ANOTHER_ERROR - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_CANNOT_READ_FILE - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
error_login_failed - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
error_max_clients - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_NO_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PERMISSION - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
error_ok - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_OK - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_REGEXP_COMPILATION - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
ExampleFileFilter - Class in <Unnamed>
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
ExampleFileFilter() - Constructor for class ExampleFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
ExampleFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class ExampleFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
ExampleFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class ExampleFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
ExampleFileFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class ExampleFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
ExampleFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class ExampleFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.


findByte(byte[], int, byte) - Static method in class ServerCommunication
findNodeById(int, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Searches for a node in the forest that has a given id.
findNodeById(int, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Searches for a node in the tree that has a given id.
first_son - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
focusLogin() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
Sets focus to the login name field
focusPassword() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
Sets focus to the password field
font_size - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
the size of the font used for labels of nodes
forest - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
a forest to be viewed
forest_height - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
the height of the forest (in pixels)
forest_width - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
the width of the forest (in pixels)
FORMAT_FS - Static variable in class NGForestSaver


GET_TREE_SUBTYPE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
GET_TREE_SUBTYPE_FIRST - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
GET_TREE_SUBTYPE_OCCURENCE - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
GET_TREE_SUBTYPE_TREE - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
getAccountType() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getActionButtonLabel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getActualForest() - Method in class PanelTrees
getActualPath() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getAttribute(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns an attribute with the specified name.
getAttributeAt(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Gets an attribute at the specified position; null if there is not any like that
getBackground() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getBlackWhite() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getBooleanProperty(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getCancelButtonLabel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCaretPosition() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor
getCenter() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getChangePasswordPermission() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getCheckOverwriteAppeal() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCheckOverwriteCancelButtonLabel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCheckOverwriteWindowTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCheckOverwriteYesButtonLabel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCheckPreviewTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getChosenNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the actually selected node.
getChosenNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the actually selected node.
getChosenNodeDepthOrder(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns depth-first order of the chosen node, counted from 1.
getChosenNodeDepthOrder(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns depth-first order of the chosen node, counted from 1.
getChosenTree() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the actually selected tree.
getChosenTreeOrder() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the order of the selected tree (the tree with the selected node), counted from 1.
getClientRecommendedVersion() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getClientRequiredVersion() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getClientSaveTreesPermission() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns a deep copy of the Attribute
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Returns a deep copy of the coreference pattern
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns a deep copy of the forest.
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns a deep copy of the tree
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns a deep clone of the head.
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns a deep copy of the reference pattern
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
Returns a deep copy of the object.
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns a deep copy of the node and its whole subtree.
getClone() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue
Returns a deep copy of the set of values of attributes, recursively with all alternative sets in the linked list.
getCodingInPrinting() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getCodingName(int) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
getCodingNumber(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
getColor() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the color in which the attribute should be displayd in the trees.
getColorBackground() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of background color
getColorCircle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color
getColorCircleChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color of a selected node
getColorCircleHidden() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color of a hidden node
getColorCircleHiddenChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color of a hidden selected node
getColorCircleHiddenMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color of a hidden node matching with a query
getColorCircleMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of circle color of a node matching with a query
getColorCircleMultiple() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color
getColorCircleMultipleChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color of a selected node
getColorCircleMultipleHidden() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color of a hidden node
getColorCircleMultipleHiddenChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color of a chosen hidden node
getColorCircleMultipleHiddenMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color of a hidden node matching with a query
getColorCircleMultipleMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of the multiple circle color of a node matching with a query
getColorEdge() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of edge color
getColorEdgeHidden() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of color of an edge to a hidden node
getColorEdgeHiddenMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of color of an edge to a hidden node, part of a subtree matching with a query
getColorEdgeMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of edge color, part of a subtree matching with a query
getColorFullcircle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color
getColorFullcircleChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color of a selected node
getColorFullcircleHidden() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color of a hidden node
getColorFullcircleHiddenChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color of a chosen hidden node
getColorFullcircleHiddenMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color of a hidden node matching with a query
getColorFullcircleMatching() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of fullcircle color of a node matching with a query
getColorMultipleSetsDivider() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current colour of multiple sets divider
getColorOptionalNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getColorWriting() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of writing color
getColorZeroOccurrenceNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getComment() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Item
Gets the comment of the item
getComment() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getComment() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getComment() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
getCommentPrefix() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
getCommentTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getCorpusIdentifier() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getCountStart() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getCountStart() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getDefaultSectionName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getDeleteButtonLabel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getDeleteButtonToolTip() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getDepth(TNode) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the distance between the node and the root of the tree.
getDescription() - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Returns the human readable description of this filter.
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
getDiameter() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getDiameterChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getDiameterMulti() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getDiameterMultiChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getDirection() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getDisplay() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getDisplay() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns true iff the reference should be displayed.
getDisplayAreaTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getDisplayed() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns true iff the attribute should be displayed in the trees.
getDisplayMode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getDisplayMode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the display mode for the reference.
getEmphasizeChosenNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns whether the selected node is set to be emphasized
getEndAttrNodeName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getEndAttrNodeName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the name of an attribute that contains an identifier of a node refered to in the reference.
getEndNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getEndNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the list of values that should be ignored at the end node.
getEndNodeNilArrow() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getEndNodeNilArrow() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns true iff an arrow should be displayed if no ending node matches the starting node in the actual tree.
getError() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getError() - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
getErrorMessage() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getErrorMessage() - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
getExtension(File) - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name .
getFileName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Return the file name the forest comes from.
getFileSize() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getFilesPrefix() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getFilesPrefix() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getFilesPrefix() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
getFilesSize() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getFilesSize() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
getFileTail() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getFirstMatchingNodeDepthOrder(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns depth-first order (counted from 1) of the node matching the root of the first tree of the query.
getFirstMatchingNodeDepthOrder(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Searches for the depth-first order of the node in the tree that matches the root of the first tree of the query, counted from 1.
getFlagForestChanged() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Says whether the forest has changed and coordinates of (some of) its trees and their nodes must be calculated.
getFlagForestChanged() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Says whether the forest has changed and coordinates of (some of) its trees and their nodes must be calculated.
getFlagTreeChanged() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Says whether the tree has changed and coordinates of its nodes must be calculated.
getFontFamily() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getFontSize() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns the font size for labels at nodes.
getFontSize() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of font_size
getFontSize() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getForest() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Gets the forest to be viewed.
getForest() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getForestHeight() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns the height of the forest (in pixels)
getForestNumber() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the number of the forest in the file it comes from.
getForestWidth() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns the width of the forest (in pixels)
getGeneralColor() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getGeneralColor() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns a general color for the reference arrow.
getGeneralShape() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getGeneralShape() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the general shape for the reference arrow.
getHead() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the head of the forest.
getHeight() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the height of the tree in pixels.
getHighlightOptionalNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getHighlightTransitiveEdges() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getHighlightZeroOccurrenceNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getId() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns an id of the first tree in the forest.
getId(NGTreeHead) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns an id of the tree.
getIndexOfAttribute(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Return the index of an attribute with the specified name.
getInitialPath() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getIntProperty(String, String, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getItemComment(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSet
getItemComment(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getItemComment(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getItemValue(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSet
getItemValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getItemValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getIteratorOverNames() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSet
getIteratorOverNames() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getIteratorOverNames() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getIteratorOverValues() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSet
getIteratorOverValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getIteratorOverValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getKeepRatio() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getListOfValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Gets a list of possible values for this attribute.
getListTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getLocalizedString(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getLoginName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getLoginName() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
getLongProperty(String, String, long) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getMatchingNodesRectangle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns a rectangle that surrounds all matching nodes in the forest.
getMaxNumberOfTrees() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getModel() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns a list of attributes in the head.
getName() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Item
Gets the name of the item
getName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
getName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the name of the attribute.
getName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the name of the reference pattern.
getNewPassword() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
getNodesArray() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns a new array of all nodes in the tree.
getNumberOfActualOccurrence() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getNumberOfActualTree() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getNumberOfFoundOccurences() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getNumberOfFoundTrees() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getNumberOfHiddenNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the total number of hidden nodes in all trees in the forest.
getNumberOfHiddenNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the number of hidden nodes in the tree.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the total number of all nodes in all trees in the forest.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the total number of nodes in the tree.
getNumberOfSearchedTrees() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getNumberOfSets() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the number of present sets.
getNumberOfTrees() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the number of trees in the forest.
getOdsazeni() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Returns the current value of odsazeni
getOldPassword() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
getOriginalProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
getPageFormat() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
getPassword() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
getPossibleValues(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns a list of possible values for an attribute with the specified name.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getPrintProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Returns the print properties of the tree.
getProgressCurrentValue() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressSource
Returns a current value of the progress of the task
getProgressCurrentValue() - Method in class NGForestSaver
ProgressSource implementation
getProgressMaxValue() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressSource
Returns a maximum value for the progress bar
getProgressMaxValue() - Method in class NGForestSaver
ProgressSource implementation
getProgressMinValue() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressSource
Returns a minimum value for the progress bar
getProgressMinValue() - Method in class NGForestSaver
ProgressSource implementation
getProgressText() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressSource
Returns a string to be displayed in the progress bar
getProgressText() - Method in class NGForestSaver
ProgressSource implementation
getProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
getProperty(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getPutMatchingMetaTag() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getPutMatchingMetaTag() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
getRangeEnd() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getRangeEnd() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getRangeStart() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
getRangeStart() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getRectangle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the rectangle covering the area of the displayed node along with its labels.
getReferencePatterns() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns a list of reference patterns
getRoot() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the root of the tree.
getRootDirectory() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getSaveMultipleOccurrences() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getSaveMultipleOccurrences() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
getSection(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getSection(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
getSectionName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
getSectionPrefix() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
getSectionsDelimiter() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
getSelectedComment() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getSelectedName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getSelectedValue() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getSentenceString(NGTreeHead) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Assembles and returns the sentence belonging to the tree.
getServerName() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getServerName() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
getServerPort() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getServerPort() - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
getServerVersion() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getSetOfAttributes(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the set of attributes with the given number (counted from 0).
getShowAttrNames() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowHiddenNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns whether the hidden nodes are set to be shown
getShowHiddenNodes() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowLemmaComments() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowLemmaVariants() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleMark() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleMarkChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleSets() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleSetsChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowMultipleValuesChosen() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getShowNullValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSize() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns the number of attributes in the head.
getSpaceAboveDivider() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSpaceAboveText() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSpaceAboveTree() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSpaceBelowDivider() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSpaceBelowText() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getSpaceBelowTree() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getStartAttrNodeName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getStartAttrNodeName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the name of an attribute that can contain a reference to a node in this reference pattern.
getStartNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getStartNodeIgnoreValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the list of values that should be ignored at the start node.
getStartNodeNilArrow() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getStartNodeNilArrow() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns true iff an arrow should be displayed if no starting node matches the ending node in the actual tree.
getStatistics() - Method in class ServerCommunication
getStatus() - Method in class NGForestSaver
getString(byte[], int, byte) - Static method in class ServerCommunication
getString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class ServerCommunication
getStringProperty(String, String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
getStrokeTransitiveEdgeExclusive() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getStrokeTransitiveEdgeTrue() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getTreeProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Returns the properties of the tree.
getTrees() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns the trees of the forest in ArrayList.
getType() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the type of the attribute.
getUseAsciiInTree() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getUserAppeal() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getUserName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
getValue() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Item
Gets the value of the item
getValue() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
getValue() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
getValue() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the value of the attribute.
getValue(int, int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the value of the attribute with the given number of set and the given number of attribute and number of value (counted from 0).
getValueAssigner() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
getValueDependentAttrName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getValueDependentAttrName() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns the name of an attribute that controlls the shape and color of the reference.
getValueDependentColor(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Gives a color to be used with a value of the value dependent attribute.
getValueDependentColor(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Gives a color to be used with a value of the value dependent attribute.
getValueDependentShape(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Gives a shape to be used with a value of the value dependent attribute.
getValueDependentShape(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Gives a shape to be used with a value of the value dependent attribute.
getValueDependentValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
getValueDependentValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Gets a list of all values that sets the way of displaying the reference.
getValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns possible values of the attribute (space-separated).
getValues(int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns a linked list of values of the attribute with the given number of set and the given number of attribute (counted from 0).
getVerticalSpaceBetweenTexts() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
getVybraneAtributy() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns a list of selected attributes.
getVybraneAtributy() - Method in class PanelTrees
getWholeString(byte[], int) - Static method in class ServerCommunication
Returns the String representation of the rest of the array pole encoded in UTF-8; it starts ad position odkud and goes until it finds EOM (which should be zero in order to work with UTF-8)
getWidth() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the width of the tree in pixels.
getWindowTitle() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
getX() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the x-position of the displayed node
getXStart() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the tree in a forest.
getY() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns the y-position of the displayed node
getYStart() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the tree in a forest.


H - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
an index of hide attribute in the head (counted from zero).
horizontal_space - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
horizontal distance between trees in the forest


InfoBar - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
Class InfoBar creates a one-line bar in which information for the user can be displayed.
InfoBar() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.InfoBar
inform(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ShowMessagesAble
Shows an information for a user
inform(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Displays an informative message.
inform(String) - Method in class NGClient
It writes an informative message to a special info bar.
init() - Method in class NGClient
Initializes the application.
isAttribute(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Returns true iff an attribute with the specified name exists.
isCheckedPutMatchingMetaTag() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isCheckedSaveMultipleOccurrences() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isConnected() - Method in class ServerCommunication
isConnected() - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
isEditable() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Informs whether the coreference pattern allows changing its state
isEditable() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Informs whether the reference pattern allows changing its state
isEmpty() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
isEmpty() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Signals whether the tree is empty
isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Returns whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
isolatin2ToAscii(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
isolatin2ToUnicode(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
isServerNameInCombo(String) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
isServerPortInCombo(int) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
isSetNewNames() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isSetNewSeparation() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isSetOriginalNames() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isSetOriginalNames() - Method in class NGForestSaver
isSetOriginalSeparation() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
isSetOriginalSeparation() - Method in class NGForestSaver
isSetOverwriteAll() - Method in class NGForestSaver
Item - Interface in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
Class Item keeps properties of an item - a name, a value, a comment.
ItemSelectionDialog - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
This class displays a dialog window that allows the user to select an item from a list of items or enter a new name and comment of an item.
ItemSelectionDialog(Frame, ItemSet) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
ItemSelectionDialog(Frame, ItemSet, ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
ItemSet - Interface in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
This is an interface for a set of items.


kodovany - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
an auxiliary variable for printing strings


loadNextTree(byte) - Method in class PanelTrees
loadNextTree(TreeLoadedListener, byte, boolean) - Method in class ServerCommunication
loadPrevTree(byte) - Method in class ServerCommunication
loadProperties(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
loadProperties(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
loadTree() - Method in class ServerCommunication
LocalSaveResultTreesDialog - Class in <Unnamed>
A class that displays a dialog window with options for saving result trees to a local disc.
LocalSaveResultTreesDialog(Frame, String, boolean, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
Creates new form LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
login() - Method in class ServerCommunication


main(String[]) - Static method in class NGClient
The entering point of the whole program.
matching_edge - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
matching_node - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
MATCHING_NODES_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
a delimiter of pairs of numbers of matching query nodes and result tree nodes.
MATCHING_NODES_QUERY_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
a delimiter of a number of a query node and a number of its matching result tree node.
MATCHING_NODES_TREES_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
a delimiter of query trees in lists of matching nodes.
maxlenmes - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
mEditorPane - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
mergeProperties(Properties, Properties) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
mergeSections(PropertiesSection, PropertiesSection) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
mergeToActualProperties(Properties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
META_ATTR_NODE_NAME - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a name of meta-attribute _name
META_ATTR_OCCURRENCES - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a name of meta-attribute _#occurrences
META_ATTR_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a name of meta-attribute _optional
META_ATTR_OPTIONAL_TRUE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
value true of meta-attribute _optional
META_ATTR_TRANSITIVE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a name of meta-attribute _transitive
META_ATTR_TRANSITIVE_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
value exclusive of meta-attribute _transitive
META_ATTR_TRANSITIVE_TRUE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
value true of meta-attribute _transitive
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class PanelTrees
mURLField - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer


N - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
an index of numerical attribute in the head (counted from zero).
napln_hodnoty_atributu_v_tabulce(TValue) - Method in class PanelTrees
naplnGlobalniHlavicku(String) - Method in class PanelQuery
nastavSoubory() - Method in class PanelFiles
nastavStromyDleDotazu(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ServerCommunication
nastavVsechnyStromy() - Method in class ServerCommunication
Next - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
a pointer to the next (alternative) value of the attribute
Next - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue
a pointer to the next (alternative) set of values of attributes of a node
NGClient - Class in <Unnamed>
The main class in Netgraph client.
NGClient() - Constructor for class NGClient
Creates the new main object of Netgraph.
NGForest - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class keeping a forest of trees.
NGForest(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Creates a new empty forest.
NGForestDisplay - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
This class provides functions for printing a forest on a screen and for responding mouse-clicks on the forest
NGForestDisplay(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestDisplay
Creates a new object for displaying forests.
NGForestPrint - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
This class provides functions for printing trees on a printer.
NGForestPrint(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Creates a new object for printing a forest on a printer
NGForestSaver - Class in <Unnamed>
Class NGForestSaver saves result trees to a local disc.
NGForestSaver(NGClient, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle, SavingFinishedListener) - Constructor for class NGForestSaver
NGForestView - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A base class for forest viewing (displaying on a screen, printing on a printer)
NGForestView(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Creates an object needed for viewing trees (on a screen or a printer)
ngt_global_head - Variable in class PanelQuery
NGTree - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class containing a single tree
NGTree(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Creates an empty tree
NGTreeHead - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class representing a head of a forest.
NGTreeHead(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Creates a new empty head.
NGTreeProperties - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class that keeps information how to display trees.
NGTreeProperties() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Creates a new object for tree properties.
NODE_REFERENCE_ATTR_NAME_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a character that separates first two parts of a reference
NODE_REFERENCE_CHARACTER_ORDER_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a character that separates second two parts of a reference
NODE_REFERENCE_CHARACTER_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
an unspecified character order for references.
NODE_REFERENCE_END - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a character that ends a reference
NODE_REFERENCE_START - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
a character that starts a reference
NONE - Static variable in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressDisplayer
number_of_actual_occurrence - Variable in class PanelTrees
number_of_actual_tree - Variable in class PanelTrees
number_of_found_occurences - Variable in class PanelTrees
number_of_found_trees - Variable in class PanelTrees


oddelovac - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
OK - Static variable in class ServerCommunication
openURL(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Paints the forest.
PanelDebug - Class in <Unnamed>
Class PanelDebug creates a panel for displaying debug messages from all parts of the program.
PanelDebug(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class PanelDebug
PanelFiles - Class in <Unnamed>
Class PanelFíles creates a panel for selecting files with trees for searching.
PanelFiles(NGClient, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class PanelFiles
PanelQuery - Class in <Unnamed>
Class PanelQuery creates a panel for creating a query.
PanelQuery(NGClient, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class PanelQuery
PanelTrees - Class in <Unnamed>
Class PanelTrees creates a panel for displaying results of the search.
PanelTrees(NGClient, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class PanelTrees
parent - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
PERCENT - Static variable in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressDisplayer
pocet_atr - Variable in class NGClient
poradi_N - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
poradi_W - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
posunuti_textu_doleva - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
labels of nodes will be shifted this amount to the left in order to have their first character just below the node
precti_adr(boolean) - Method in class ServerCommunication
precti_sbr(boolean) - Method in class ServerCommunication
print(Graphics2D, double, double) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Prints the forest to the graphic object g.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class PanelQuery
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class PanelTrees
printChosen(Graphics2D, NGTreeProperties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Emphasizes the selected node.
printQuery(boolean) - Method in class PanelQuery
printReferences(Graphics2D) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Prints all references in the actual forest.
PrintTreeDialog - Class in <Unnamed>
Class PrintTreeDialog displays a dialog window with options for printing a result tree to a printer.
PrintTreeProperties - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class that keeps properties of trees related to printing the trees on a printer
PrintTreeProperties() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
PrintTreeProperties(String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
ProgressDisplayer - Interface in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
An interface for starting and stopping a progress bar.
ProgressSource - Interface in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
An interface for a class that can serve as a source of a progress for a progress bar.
Properties - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
Class Properties keeps a set of properties sections, stored together e.g. in one file.
Properties() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
Properties(String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
PropertiesLoader - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
Class PropertiesLoader is used to store and restore properties to/from storage - this is implementation for files.
PropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
PropertiesLoader(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
PropertiesManager - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
An object for keeping and changing properties.
PropertiesManager() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
PropertiesManager(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
PropertiesManager(Properties) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
PropertiesManager(Properties, ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
PropertiesSection - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
Class PropertiesSection keeps a set of related properties.
PropertiesSection() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
PropertiesSection(String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
PropertiesSection(String, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
Property - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties
Class Property represents one property - its name, value and comment.
Property() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
Property(String, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
Property(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
Property(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
pseudoToUnicode(int, int) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
pseudoToUnicode(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
putSection(PropertiesSection) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties


QuerySelectionDialog - Class in <Unnamed>
Class QuerySelectionDialog creates a dialog for loading/saving a query to a local disc.
QuerySelectionDialog(Frame, ItemSet, NGTreeHead) - Constructor for class QuerySelectionDialog
QuerySelectionDialog(Frame, ItemSet, ResourceBundle, String, NGTreeHead) - Constructor for class QuerySelectionDialog


read5InitialInformations() - Method in class ServerCommunication
readActualPath() - Method in class ServerCommunication
readClientRequiredVersion() - Method in class ServerCommunication
readForest(char[], int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Reads a forest from p_source in FS format (without a head).
readFromBytes(byte[], int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
readGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelFiles
readGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelQuery
readGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelTrees
readGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
readPatternFromString(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
Reads the pattern from String.
readPatternFromString(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Reads a pattern from String.
readServerVersion() - Method in class ServerCommunication
readTree(NGTreeHead, char[], int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Reads a whole tree from p_source in FS format (without a head).
readTreeHead(char[], int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Reads a head from an input char field.
receive(byte[], byte) - Method in class ServerCommunication
receive(byte[], byte) - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
reference_patterns - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
reference patterns
ReferencePattern - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A class for keeping one pattern of references in trees.
ReferencePattern() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Creates an empty pattern.
ReferencePattern(ShowMessagesAble) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Creates an empty pattern.
relation - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
a relation between the name of the attribute and the value
RELATION_EQ - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation equal (=)
RELATION_GT - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation greater than (>)
RELATION_GTEQ - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation greater than or equal (>=)
RELATION_LT - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation less than (<)
RELATION_LTEQ - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation less than or equal (<=)
RELATION_NEQ - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
relation not equal (!
removeItem(String) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSet
removeItem(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
removeItem(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
removeOccurrence(TreeLoadedListener, boolean) - Method in class ServerCommunication
removeProperty(Property) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
removeProperty(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
removeProperty(Property) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
removeProperty(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
removeProperty(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
removeSection(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
restoreOriginalProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
result_trees_local_saver - Variable in class PanelTrees
ResultTreesLocalSaver - Class in <Unnamed>
This object initializes saving of the result trees to the local disc.
ResultTreesLocalSaver(NGClient, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class ResultTreesLocalSaver
run() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
run() - Method in class NGForestSaver


saveActionsDisconnect() - Method in class PanelFiles
saveActionsDisconnect() - Method in class PanelQuery
saveActionsDisconnect() - Method in class PanelTrees
saveActionsExit() - Method in class PanelFiles
saveActionsExit() - Method in class PanelQuery
saveActionsExit() - Method in class PanelTrees
saveProperties(String, String, Properties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
saveProperties(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
saveResultDialog() - Method in class PanelTrees
saveResultDialog() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
SAVING_CANCELED_BY_INVOKER - Static variable in class NGForestSaver
SAVING_CANCELED_BY_SAVER - Static variable in class NGForestSaver
SAVING_OK - Static variable in class NGForestSaver
savingCanceled(Object) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
savingCanceled(Object) - Method in interface SavingFinishedListener
Invoked when saving of trees is canceled; an object envoking the function is provided.
savingFinished() - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
SavingFinishedListener implementation
savingFinished() - Method in interface SavingFinishedListener
Invoked when saving of trees is finished.
SavingFinishedListener - Interface in <Unnamed>
An interface for capturing an event of the saving of results trees having been finished.
selectNode(MouseEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestDisplay
Searches the forest and tries to find a node that is close enough to the place of a mouse click.
send(byte[], int) - Method in class ServerCommunication
send(byte[], int) - Method in class ServerNetCommunication
ServerCommunication - Class in <Unnamed>
Class ServerCommunication provides the interface for communication with the server.
ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException - Exception in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account
An exception representing an error in the format in the communication with the server (used with the authentication of the users)
ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException() - Constructor for exception cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException
Creates new ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException without detail message.
ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException
Constructs an ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException with the specified detail message.
ServerConnectionDialog - Class in <Unnamed>
Class ServerConnectionDialog displays a dialog window for the user to enter a name of the server and a port he wants to connect to, as well as a login name and a password of the user.
ServerConnectionDialog(Frame, String, boolean, ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class ServerConnectionDialog
Creates new ServerConnectionDialog
ServerNetCommunication - Class in <Unnamed>
Class ServerNetCommunication sends and receives messages to/from the server via the internet
ServerNetCommunication(ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class ServerNetCommunication
ServerNetCommunicationException - Exception in <Unnamed>
An almost empty class representing an exception in communication with the server.
ServerNetCommunicationException() - Constructor for exception ServerNetCommunicationException
Creates new ServerNetCommunicationException without a detail message.
ServerNetCommunicationException(String) - Constructor for exception ServerNetCommunicationException
Constructs a ServerNetCommunicationException with the specified detail message.
setBackground(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setBlackWhite(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor
setCenter(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setChosenByPosition(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Marks a node at given coordinates as selected.
setChosenNodeByDepthOrder(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Marks a node with given order as selected, as well as the tree the node is from.
setChosenNodeByDepthOrder(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Marks a node with given order as selected, as well as the tree the node is from.
setChosenNodeByDepthOrder(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Marks a node with given order as selected.
setChosenTreeByOrder(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Sets the tree with a given order as selected.
setCodingInPrinting(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setColor(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Sets the color in which the attribute should be displayd in the trees.
setColorBackground(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of background color
setColorCircle(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color
setColorCircleChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color of a selected node
setColorCircleHidden(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color of a hidden node
setColorCircleHiddenChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color of a hidden selected node
setColorCircleHiddenMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color of a hidden node matching with a query
setColorCircleMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of circle color of a node matching with a query
setColorCircleMultiple(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of multiple circle color
setColorCircleMultipleChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of the multiple circle color of a selected node
setColorCircleMultipleHidden(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of multiple circle color of a hidden node
setColorCircleMultipleHiddenChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of multiple circle color of a selected hidden node
setColorCircleMultipleHiddenMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of multiple circle color of a hidden node matching with a query
setColorCircleMultipleMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of multiple circle color of a node matching with a query
setColorEdge(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of edge color
setColorEdgeHidden(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of color of an edge to a hidden node
setColorEdgeHiddenMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of color of an edge to a hidden node, part of a subtree matching with a query
setColorEdgeMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of edge color, part of a subtree matching with a query
setColorFullcircle(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color
setColorFullcircleChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color of a selected node
setColorFullcircleHidden(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color of a hidden node
setColorFullcircleHiddenChosen(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color of a chosen hidden node
setColorFullcircleHiddenMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color of a hidden node matching with a query
setColorFullcircleMatching(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of fullcircle color of a node matching with a query
setColorMultipleSetsDivider(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new colour of multiple sets divider
setColorOptionalNode(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setColorScheme(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets a color scheme for painting trees.
setColorWriting(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of writing color
setColorZeroOccurrenceNode(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setComment(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
setComment(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
setComment(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
setCommentPrefix(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
setCoreferencePatterns(DefaultListModel) - Method in class PanelQuery
setCoreferencePatterns(DefaultListModel) - Method in class PanelTrees
setCoreferencePatterns(DefaultListModel) - Method in class QuerySelectionDialog
setCountStart(long) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setDefaultCursor() - Method in class NGClient
It sets a default cursor in the main application window.
setDefaultSectionName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
setDefaultValues() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
setDescription(String) - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
setDestinationDirectory(String) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
setDestinationDirectory(String) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setDestinationDirectory(String) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
setDiameter(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setDiameterChosen(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setDiameterMulti(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setDiameterMultiChosen(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setDirection(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setDisplay(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setDisplay(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets whether the reference should be displayed (if editable).
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Sets if the attribute should be displayed in trees.
setDisplayMode(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setDisplayMode(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets the display mode of the reference.
setEmphasizeChosenNode(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets whether the selected node should be emphasized
setEnabledEditCommentLine(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
setEndAttrNodeName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setEndAttrNodeName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets the name of an attribute that contains an identifier of a node refered to in the reference.
setEndNodeNilArrow(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setEndNodeNilArrow(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets whether an arrow should be displayed if no ending node matches the starting node in the actual tree.
setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class ExampleFileFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
setFileName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Sets the name of the file the forest comes from.
setFileSize(long) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
setFilesPrefix(String) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
setFilesPrefix(String) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setFilesPrefix(String) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
setFilesSize(long) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setFilesSize(long) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
setFlagForestChanged(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Signals whether a tree in the forest has changed and coordinates the tree and its nodes and coordinates of the subsequent trees must be calculated.
setFlagTreeChanged(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Signals whether the tree has changed and coordinates of its nodes must be calculated.
setFlagWholeForestChanged(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Signals whether the whole forest has changed and coordinates of all its trees and their nodes must be calculated.
setFlagWholeForestChanged(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Signals whether the whole forest has changed and coordinates of all its trees and their nodes must be calculated.
setFontFamily(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setFontSize(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets the font size for labels at nodes.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of font_size
setFontSize(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setFontSizeSentence(int) - Method in class PanelTrees
setForest(NGForest) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets a forest to be viewed.
setForestNumber(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Sets the number of the forest in the file it comes from.
setGeneralColor(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setGeneralColor(Color) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets a general color for the reference arrow.
setGeneralShape(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setGeneralShape(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets a general shape for the reference arrow.
setGlobalProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Sets global variables for printing in accordance with the actual tree properties and print properties.
setGlobalProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets some global variables according to the actual tree propertis
setHead(NGTreeHead) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Sets a head of the forest.
setHeight(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Sets the height of the tree in pixels.
setHighlightOptionalNodes(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setHighlightTransitiveEdges(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setHighlightZeroOccurrenceNodes(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setHorizontalSpace(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets the horizontal space between trees in the forest.
setKeepRatio(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setLoginName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
setLoginName(String) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
setMatchingMetaTags() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
It sets the matching meta tag at the matching nodes of the trees of the forest.
setMatchingMetaTags(NGTreeHead) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
It sets the matching meta tag at the matching nodes of the tree.
setMatchingNodes(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Sets nodes matching a query according to a given list of matching nodes.
setMenuOptionsFontsizeQuery(int) - Method in class NGClient
setMenuOptionsFontsizeResult(int) - Method in class NGClient
setMenuOptionsFontsizeSentence(int) - Method in class NGClient
setMessagesShower(ShowMessagesAble) - Method in class ServerCommunication
setName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
setName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
setName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Sets the name of the attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets the name of the reference pattern.
setOdsazeni(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
Sets the new value of odsazeni
setOriginalNames(boolean) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setOriginalProperties(Properties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
setOriginalSeparation(boolean) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setOverwriteAll(boolean) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setPageFormat(PageFormat) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.PrintTreeProperties
setPassword(String) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
setPreview(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
setPrintProperties(PrintTreeProperties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestPrint
Sets the print properties of the tree.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
setProperty(Property) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
setProperty(Property) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
setProperty(Property) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
setPropertyValue(String, String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
setPropertyValue(String, String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
setPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesSection
setPutMatchingMetaTag(boolean) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
setPutMatchingMetaTag(boolean) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setPutMatchingMetaTag(boolean) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
setRangeEnd(long) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setRangeStart(long) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Sets the computed rectangle covering the area occupied by the displayed node and its labels.
setReferencePatterns(DefaultListModel) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets the reference patterns.
setSaveMultipleOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
setSaveMultipleOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class NGForestSaver
setSaveMultipleOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver
setSectionName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
setSectionPrefix(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
setSectionsDelimiter(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
setShowAttrNames(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowHiddenNodes(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets whether or not the hidden nodes should be shown
setShowHiddenNodes(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowLemmaComments(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowLemmaVariants(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleMark(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleMarkChosen(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleSets(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleSetsChosen(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleValues(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowMultipleValuesChosen(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setShowNullValues(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceAboveDivider(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceAboveText(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceAboveTree(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceBelowDivider(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceBelowText(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setSpaceBelowTree(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setStartAttrNodeName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setStartAttrNodeName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets the name of an attribute that can contain a reference to a node in this reference pattern.
setStartNodeNilArrow(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setStartNodeNilArrow(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets whether an arrow should be displayed if no starting node matches the ending node in the actual tree.
setStrokeTransitiveEdgeExclusive(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setStrokeTransitiveEdgeTrue(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.InfoBar
setTree(NGTree) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets a single tree to be viewed.
setTreeProperties(NGTreeProperties) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
Sets properties of the tree.
setUseAsciiInTree(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Property
setValue(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Sets the value of the attribute.
setValueAssigner(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesLoader
setValueDependentAttrName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
setValueDependentAttrName(String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Sets a name of an attribute that controlls the shape and color of the reference.
setVerticalSpaceBetweenTexts(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
setVybraneAtributy(DefaultListModel) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Sets a list of selected attributes.
setWaitCursor() - Method in class NGClient
It sets a busy cursor in the main application window.
setWidth(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Sets the width of the tree in pixels.
setX(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Sets the x-position of the displayed node
setXStart(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Sets the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the tree in a forest.
setY(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Sets the y-position of the displayed node
setYStart(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Sets the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the tree in a forest.
SHAPE_DASHES_DARC - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
SHAPE_DASHES_DARC - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
an arc shape - a dashed arc, curved downwards
show(String, boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.ChangePasswordDialog
show(PrinterJob) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
show(int) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
show_hidden_nodes - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
controls whether hidden nodes should be displayed
showDeleteButton(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
showDialog() - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
showEditNameLine(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
ShowMessagesAble - Interface in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
An interface for a class capable of displaying debug and info messages to the users.
showOpenDialog() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
showSaveDialog() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
skryvany - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
start() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
startProgressBar(ProgressSource, int, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.InfoBar
startProgressBar(ProgressSource, int, int) - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressDisplayer
It starts the progress bar, sets a source class for it (info_src), type of displaying of progress value (p_string_type) and an interval (in ms) for refreshing of the progress bar (timer_interval)
startSaving() - Method in class NGForestSaver
statisticsLoaded() - Method in class PanelTrees
statisticsLoaded() - Method in interface TreeLoadedListener
Invoked when only statistics hava been loaded.
stopProgressBar() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.InfoBar
stopProgressBar() - Method in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressDisplayer
This function stops the progress bar (it finishes the work of the progress bar)
stopSaving() - Method in class NGForestSaver
stopTheQuery() - Method in class ServerCommunication
storeOriginalProperties() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.PropertiesManager
STRING - Static variable in interface cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.ProgressDisplayer
STROKE_DASHED - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a type of stroke for references - a dashed line
STROKE_DOT_AND_DASHED - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a type of stroke for references - a dotted and dashed line
STROKE_DOTTED - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a type of stroke for references - a dotted line
STROKE_LINE - Static variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeProperties
a type of stroke for references - a solid line


TAHLine - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
Keeps a value of an attribute in a set of attributes at a node.
TAHLine() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
Creates a new empty object for keeping a value of an attribute
TNode - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
A representation of a node in a tree.
TNode() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
toFSString() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the FS representation of the attribute for the FS head.
toFSString(boolean[]) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the FS representation of the attribute for the FS head.
toFSString(boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForest
Returns FS representation of the forest (with or without the head).
toFSString(boolean, NGTreeHead) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTree
Returns FS representation of the tree (with or without the head).
toFSString() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
Return FS representation of the head.
toFSString(NGTreeHead, boolean) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
Returns FS representation of the node (recursively or not)
toString() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.Attribute
Returns the String representation of the attribute.
toString() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.CoreferencePattern
toString() - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.ReferencePattern
Returns a String representation of the reference pattern.
tree_properties - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
viewing properties of forests
treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
treeLoaded() - Method in class PanelTrees
treeLoaded() - Method in interface TreeLoadedListener
Invoked when a tree has been loaded.
TreeLoadedListener - Interface in <Unnamed>
An interface for a class capable of listening to the event the tree from the server having been sent.
treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class PanelFiles
truncLemma(String, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
PDT-related function that truncates a lemma.
TValue - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees
This class keeps a set of values of attributes at a node.
TValue() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue
Creates a new empty object for keeping the set of values of attributes of a node.


unicodeToAscii(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
unicodeToCAscii(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
unicodeToIsolatin2(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
unicodeToWin1250(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
updateProperty(String, String, String, String) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.Properties
UserAccount - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account
Class UserAccount keeps information about the user account - the authentication and authorization information.
UserAccount(ShowMessagesAble, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account.UserAccount
Creates new UserAccount


V - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
an index of value attribute in the head (counted from zero).
Value - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TAHLine
one value of the attribute
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class PanelQuery
values - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TNode
vypocti_nakresleni(Graphics) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGForestView
It calculates coordinates of all nodes of all trees in the forest.


W - Variable in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.NGTreeHead
an index of word order attribute in the head (counted from zero).
WebViewer - Class in cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky
This is a simple web browser with back functionality.
WebViewer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.WebViewer
win1250ToAscii(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
win1250ToUnicode(String) - Static method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.CharCode
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.properties.ItemSelectionDialog
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class NGClient
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class PrintTreeDialog
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class ServerConnectionDialog
writeGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelFiles
writeGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelQuery
writeGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class PanelTrees
writeGeneralProperties(Properties) - Method in class ResultTreesLocalSaver


zprava - Variable in class ServerCommunication