Package <Unnamed>

Interface Summary
SavingFinishedListener An interface for capturing an event of the saving of results trees having been finished.
TreeLoadedListener An interface for a class capable of listening to the event the tree from the server having been sent.

Class Summary
ExampleFileFilter A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
LocalSaveResultTreesDialog A class that displays a dialog window with options for saving result trees to a local disc.
NGClient The main class in Netgraph client.
NGForestSaver Class NGForestSaver saves result trees to a local disc.
PanelDebug Class PanelDebug creates a panel for displaying debug messages from all parts of the program.
PanelFiles Class PanelFĂ­les creates a panel for selecting files with trees for searching.
PanelQuery Class PanelQuery creates a panel for creating a query.
PanelTrees Class PanelTrees creates a panel for displaying results of the search.
PrintTreeDialog Class PrintTreeDialog displays a dialog window with options for printing a result tree to a printer.
QuerySelectionDialog Class QuerySelectionDialog creates a dialog for loading/saving a query to a local disc.
ResultTreesLocalSaver This object initializes saving of the result trees to the local disc.
ServerCommunication Class ServerCommunication provides the interface for communication with the server.
ServerConnectionDialog Class ServerConnectionDialog displays a dialog window for the user to enter a name of the server and a port he wants to connect to, as well as a login name and a password of the user.
ServerNetCommunication Class ServerNetCommunication sends and receives messages to/from the server via the internet

Exception Summary
ServerNetCommunicationException An almost empty class representing an exception in communication with the server.