Package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees

Class Summary
Attribute Class Attribute keeps general properties of an attribute of nodes in trees.
CoreferencePattern Title: CoreferencePattern Description: Class for keeping one pattern of coreferences in trees Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 Company: Charles University in Prague, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
NGForest A class keeping a forest of trees.
NGForestDisplay This class provides functions for printing a forest on a screen and for responding mouse-clicks on the forest
NGForestPrint This class provides functions for printing trees on a printer.
NGForestView A base class for forest viewing (displaying on a screen, printing on a printer)
NGTree A class containing a single tree
NGTreeHead A class representing a head of a forest.
NGTreeProperties A class that keeps information how to display trees.
PrintTreeProperties A class that keeps properties of trees related to printing the trees on a printer
ReferencePattern A class for keeping one pattern of references in trees.
TAHLine Keeps a value of an attribute in a set of attributes at a node.
TNode A representation of a node in a tree.
TValue This class keeps a set of values of attributes at a node.