Class TValue

  extended by cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees.TValue

public class TValue
extends java.lang.Object

This class keeps a set of values of attributes at a node. It is linked into a linked list to keep all alternative sets of values of attributes.

Field Summary
 TAHLine[] AHTable
          an array representing a set of values of attributes of a node
 TValue Next
          a pointer to the next (alternative) set of values of attributes of a node
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new empty object for keeping the set of values of attributes of a node.
Method Summary
 void addAttributes(int number)
          It increases number of attributes at the node by the number.
 TValue getClone()
          Returns a deep copy of the set of values of attributes, recursively with all alternative sets in the linked list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public TAHLine[] AHTable
an array representing a set of values of attributes of a node


public TValue Next
a pointer to the next (alternative) set of values of attributes of a node

Constructor Detail


public TValue()
Creates a new empty object for keeping the set of values of attributes of a node.

Method Detail


public TValue getClone()
Returns a deep copy of the set of values of attributes, recursively with all alternative sets in the linked list.

a deep copy of the set of values of attributes and the whole linked list


public void addAttributes(int number)
It increases number of attributes at the node by the number. The new attributes are added at the end of the list of attributes. The values of the attributes are set empty. Attributes are added to all sets in the linked list.

number - number of attributes to be added