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d r s درس | Lookup |
V | daras | دَرَس | FaCaL | I | "study", "learn" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-I-------- | drus | درُس | FCuL | |
N--------- | dirāsat | دِرَاسَة | FiCāL-at | noun |
dars | دَرس | FaCL |
N | dars | دَرس | FaCL | I | "study", "learn" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | darras | دَرَّس | FaCCaL | II | "teach", "instruct" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | dars | دَرس | FaCL | I | "lesson", "study", "classes" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | durūs | دُرُوس | FuCūL | plural |
k t b كتب | Lookup |
V | katab | كَتَب | FaCaL | I | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-I-------- | ktub | كتُب | FCuL | |
N--------- | kitābat | كِتَابَة | FiCāL-at | noun |
kitbat | كِتبَة | FiCL-at | ||
katb | كَتب | FaCL |
N | kitābat | كِتَابَة | FiCāL-at | I | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kitbat | كِتبَة | FiCL-at | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | katb | كَتب | FaCL | I | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | kātib | كَاتِب | FāCiL | I | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | maktūb | مَكتُوب | maFCūL | I | "write", "inscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | kātab | كَاتَب | FāCaL | III | "correspond with" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | mukātabat | مُكَاتَبَة | muFāCaL-at | III | "correspond with" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mukātib | مُكَاتِب | muFāCiL | III | "correspond with" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mukātab | مُكَاتَب | muFāCaL | III | "correspond with" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | ʾaktab | أَكتَب | ʾaFCaL | IV | "dictate", "make write" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | ʾiktāb | إِكتَاب | ʾiFCāL | IV | "dictate", "make write" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | muktib | مُكتِب | muFCiL | IV | "dictate", "make write" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | muktab | مُكتَب | muFCaL | IV | "dictate", "make write" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | takātab | تَكَاتَب | taFāCaL | VI | "correspond" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | takātub | تَكَاتُب | taFāCuL | VI | "correspond" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mutakātib | مُتَكَاتِب | mutaFāCiL | VI | "correspond" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mutakātab | مُتَكَاتَب | mutaFāCaL | VI | "correspond" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | inkatab | اِنكَتَب | inFaCaL | VII | "subscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | inkitāb | اِنكِتَاب | inFiCāL | VII | "subscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | munkatib | مُنكَتِب | munFaCiL | VII | "subscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | munkatab | مُنكَتَب | munFaCaL | VII | "subscribe" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | iktatab | اِكتَتَب | iFtaCaL | VIII | "register", "enroll" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | iktitāb | اِكتِتَاب | iFtiCāL | VIII | "register", "enroll" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | muktatib | مُكتَتِب | muFtaCiL | VIII | "register", "enroll" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | muktatab | مُكتَتَب | muFtaCaL | VIII | "register", "enroll" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
V | istaktab | اِستَكتَب | istaFCaL | X | "make write", "dictate" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | istiktāb | اِستِكتَاب | istiFCāL | X | "make write", "dictate" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mustaktib | مُستَكتِب | mustaFCiL | X | "make write", "dictate" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | mustaktab | مُستَكتَب | mustaFCaL | X | "make write", "dictate" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kitāb | كِتَاب | FiCāL | "book" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | kutub | كُتُب | FuCuL | plural |
N | kitābḫānat | كِتَابخَانَة | FiCāL-ḫān-at | "library", "bookstore" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kutayyib | كُتَيِّب | FuCayyiL | "booklet" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | kutubīy | كُتُبِيّ | FuCuL-īy | "book - related" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kutubīy | كُتُبِيّ | FuCuL-īy | "bookseller" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kuttāb | كُتَّاب | FuCCāL | "kuttab ( village school )", "Quran school" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katātīb | كَتَاتِيب | FaCāCīL | plural |
N | kitābat | كِتَابَة | FiCāL-at | I | "writing" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | kitābat | كِتَابَة | FiCāL-at | I | "essay", "piece of writing", "writings" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | kitābāt | كِتَابَات | FiCāL-āt | plural |
A | kitābīy | كِتَابِيّ | FiCāL-īy | "writing", "written" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | katībat | كَتِيبَة | FaCīL-at | "brigade", "squadron", "corps", "Phalangists" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katāʾib | كَتَائِب | FaCāʾiL | plural |
N | katāʾibīy | كَتَائِبِيّ | FaCāʾiL-īy | "brigade", "corps" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katāʾibīyūn | كَتَائِبِيُّون | FaCāʾiL-īy-ūn | plural |
------F--- | katāʾibīyat | كَتَائِبِيَّة | FaCāʾiL-īy-at | feminine |
N | katāʾibīyat | كَتَائِبِيَّة | FaCāʾiL-īy-at | "brigade", "corps" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katāʾibīyāt | كَتَائِبِيَّات | FaCāʾiL-īy-āt | plural |
N | katāʾibīy | كَتَائِبِيّ | FaCāʾiL-īy | "Phalangist" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katāʾibīyūn | كَتَائِبِيُّون | FaCāʾiL-īy-ūn | plural |
------F--- | katāʾibīyat | كَتَائِبِيَّة | FaCāʾiL-īy-at | feminine |
N | katāʾibīyat | كَتَائِبِيَّة | FaCāʾiL-īy-at | "Phalangist" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katāʾibīyāt | كَتَائِبِيَّات | FaCāʾiL-īy-āt | plural |
N | maktab | مَكتَب | maFCaL | "bureau", "office", "department" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | makātib | مَكَاتِب | maFāCiL | plural |
A | maktabīy | مَكتَبِيّ | maFCaL-īy | "office" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | maktabat | مَكتَبَة | maFCaL-at | "library", "bookstore" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | maktabāt | مَكتَبَات | maFCaL-āt | plural |
makātib | مَكَاتِب | maFāCiL |
N | miktāb | مِكتَاب | miFCāL | "printer" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | mukātabat | مُكَاتَبَة | muFāCaL-at | III | "correspondence" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | iktitāb | اِكتِتَاب | iFtiCāL | VIII | "enrollment", "registration", "subscription" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | iktitābāt | اِكتِتَابَات | iFtiCāL-āt | plural |
N | istiktāb | اِستِكتَاب | istiFCāL | X | "dictation" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | istiktābāt | اِستِكتَابَات | istiFCāL-āt | plural |
N | kātib | كَاتِب | FāCiL | I | "writer", "author", "clerk" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | katabat | كَتَبَة | FaCaL-at | plural |
kuttāb | كُتَّاب | FuCCāL | ||
------F--- | kātibat | كَاتِبَة | FāCiL-at | feminine |
N | kātibat | كَاتِبَة | FāCiL-at | I | "writer", "author", "clerk" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | kātibāt | كَاتِبَات | FāCiL-āt | plural |
N | bāškātib | بَاشكَاتِب | bāš-FāCiL | I | "chief clerk" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | kātib | كَاتِب | FāCiL | I | "writing" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
A | maktūb | مَكتُوب | maFCūL | I | "written" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
N | maktūb | مَكتُوب | maFCūL | I | "letter", "message" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | makātīb | مَكَاتِيب | maFāCīL | plural |
N | mukātib | مُكَاتِب | muFāCiL | III | "correspondent", "reporter" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | mukātibūn | مُكَاتِبُون | muFāCiL-ūn | plural |
------F--- | mukātibat | مُكَاتِبَة | muFāCiL-at | feminine |
N | mukātibat | مُكَاتِبَة | muFāCiL-at | III | "correspondent", "reporter" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | mukātibāt | مُكَاتِبَات | muFāCiL-āt | plural |
N | muktatib | مُكتَتِب | muFtaCiL | VIII | "subscriber" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | muktatibūn | مُكتَتِبُون | muFtaCiL-ūn | plural |
------F--- | muktatibat | مُكتَتِبَة | muFtaCiL-at | feminine |
N | muktatibat | مُكتَتِبَة | muFtaCiL-at | VIII | "subscriber" | Inflect Derive Lookup |
-------P-- | muktatibāt | مُكتَتِبَات | muFtaCiL-āt | plural |
(C) 2017-2002 Otakar Smrž, Viktor Bielický, Tim Buckwalter. GNU General Public License GNU GPL 3.