Netgraph Client Manual

last update: June 27th, 2008



Netgraph is an internet on-line treebank searcher and viewer

Netgraph is a client-server application, developed primarily for searching on-line via internet Prague Dependency Treebank, a corpus of Czech sentences annotated manually on morphological, analytical and tectogrammatical layer. Nevertheless, Netgraph can be used for any other corpus of linguistically annotated trees.

Netgraph consists of two parts - the client and the server.

Netgraph client is a multi-platform program (written in Java2) and can run either as applet in a Java2 (1.5 or higher) enabled web browser or as stand-alone Java2 application.

Netgraph server is written in C programming language. The server is placed at the same internet node as the Prague Dependency Treebank and after a connection with a client is established, it searches the corpus given a query.

Installation and start up instructions

Java Runtime Environment Installation

Please note that Java Runtime Environment must be installed in order to run Netgraph client (both the applet and the stand-alone application). It is not a part of Netgraph installation programs - it must be installed separately. At least version 1.5 is needed.
The newest version of JRE for various platforms can be downloaded from Please note that Netgraph client may not work with other-parties versions of Java Runtime Environment.

Netgraph client as an applet
runs in a web browser with Java2 plug-in installed. It means you don't have to install anything except the mentioned plug-in.

Java2 plug-in is a part of Java Runtime Environment (see above) and must be installed first.

If you have Java2 plug-in correctly installed, you can start the Netgraph client applet simply by clicking on the link with the desired language of GUI and window size on the Netgraph home page.

There are some restrictions for the Netgraph client running as the applet:

Netgraph client as a stand-alone application
runs in Java2 Runtime Environment (JRE 1.5 or higher, see above). You have to install it first.

For the installation of the Netgraph client, please follow the installation instructions on the Netgraph home page.


Netgraph is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

How to start the Netgraph client application:
If you have installed the Netgraph client with one of the installation programs, just click on the icon that should have appeared on your desktop. In case you have installed the Netgraph client manually (the .jar file), follow these instructions:

Change to the directory that contains file netgraph_client_application.jar.
The full format for running the program is:

java -jar netgraph_client_application.jar[ name_of_parameter=value_of_parameter]*

You can use these parameters of the program:

An example of starting the Netgraph client application with some parameters:

java -jar netgraph_client_application.jar lang=en c_port=2200

Each parameter has its default value, so you do not have to specify any of them. In any case, the server and the port can be specified in a dialog window that appeares after the program starts.

Uninstallation of Netgraph client
If you have used one of the installation programs, an uninstallation script should also have been installed along with the client.

If you have installed the client manually, it is sufficient to delete the directory you have installed it to.

Configuration files are stored in the user's home directory, either in subdirectory netgraph, or .netgraph, depending on the system. The directory can also be safely deleted, if wished.

Selecting and viewing trees

After the Netgraph client (as a stand-alone application) has started, a dialog window appears:

connection to a server

It allows you to select a server (a URL and a port) you want to connect to and it allows you to enter your login name and your password for the connection.

After the Netgraph client (as an applet) has started, you are immediatelly connected to the server the applet has been downloaded from as an anonymous user.

Any time later you can disconnect from the server by selecting menu -> File -> disconnect and connect again to the same (or also to another in the Netgraph client as a stand-alone application) server by selecting menu -> File -> connect.
(It is not necessary to disconnect explicitly before connecting to a new server - disconnecting from the previous server is performed automatically.)

Then the work with the Netgraph client can be divided into three steps:

  1. Selecting files with trees
  2. Creating a query (setting a condition) above the files
  3. Viewing the result of the query (trees matching the condition)
The steps have to be performed in this order.
There is a special tab for each of the steps in the GUI of the Netgraph client.

Selecting files with trees

In the first tab - Files - you can select a subcorpus you want to use in your following work. This is the first step you have to do after the connection to a server.

In the applet version of Netgraph client, this step is automatically skipped and the whole corpus is selected for searching after a connection with server is established. However, the user can go to this tab manually and do his custom subcorpus selection, if he wishes to.

The subcorpus selection can be also skipped in the stand-alone application version of Netgraph client, if the user wishes to. How to do it is described below.

files selection

On the top of the tab you can see informations about the server you have been connected to.

Below the information you can see the directory structure as well as the files. There are subdirectories of the current directory in the first column (named Directories), files in the current directory in the second column (named Files) and custom subcorpus selection (files you want to use for searching) in the third column (named Custom subcorpus selection).

You can browse the directory structure, add files and directories to the list of custom subcorpus selection, remove files from the selection, this all simply by double clicking on names of directories, files, or buttons.

Netgraph can read only the fs type of files at this time. These files contain analytic and tectogrammatic trees.

When the list of custom subcorpus selection is completed (all the files and directories you want to access are listed in the third column), click on the button "use the custom selection for searching". The information will be sent to the server. The GUI will switch to the tab Query.

How to skip subcorpus selection (stand-alone application only)

You can select a previously saved subcorpus to be automatically set for searching the next time you connect to the server. You must perform three steps to achieve it:

  1. select a subcorpus
  2. save it with an attached name
  3. press button start next connection with this subcorpus and choose the subcorpus from the offered list
Since the root directory of the whole corpus cannot be added to the custom subcorpus selection, the whole corpus is automatically added to the list of saved subcorpora and you can choose it from the list.

Creating a query (setting a condition) above the files

In the second tab - Query - you can select trees you want to view from all the trees in the selected subcorpus.

query creation

How to create queries

To create a query means to define a subtree you want to be contained in the found trees.

You have to define a form of the desired subtree and you can specify attributes of every node in it.

You can do all of this simply by clicking on buttons in an area entitled factory (it allows you to define the form of the tree) and by clicking to the lists of attributes (and their possible values) in an area entitled global head (it allows you to specify the properties of nodes).
(There is one exception: you have to type values of non-enumeration attributes on your keyboard, of course.)

The other way how to write your query is writing it directly into a text field entitled query. You have to know the right format - it is described below.

You can (and it is a good idea) combine both of the possibilities - to create a query by clicking of mouse and by writing to the text field.

In the left column (entitled attributes) of an area entitled global head you can see all the names of attributes you can use in your queries.
There are several attributes beginning with the character "_" on the bottom of the list - these attributes are not present in the treebank; they are calledmeta attributes and allow you to specify queries more specifically. These meta attributes will be discussed later.
The type of some of the attributes is enumeration. After a single click on it there will be displayed a list of possible values in the right column (entitled possible values) of the area global head.

Every time you click on any button the tree defined in the text field query is displayed in an area entitled query tree.

The size of the font used in the query trees can be changed from the menu options -> font size -> in queries.

Factory buttons, global head buttons and mouse actions:
new query:
It creates a new query consisting of one node; the old query (if any) is removed.
add tree:
It adds a new tree (consisting of one node) to the query.
It creates a new node with the actual node as its parent.
It inserts a new parent of the actual node.
It creates a new brother of the actual node.
alternate node:
It creates a new alternate node of the actual node. Their attributes are separated by a horizontal line.
remove node:
It removes the actual node including its subtree.
It returns the previous state of the query.
show the query tree:
It displays the query written in the text field query in the field query tree. Use it whenever you want to synchronize manually the text form of your query with the displayed tree.
and/or: [AND/OR]:
This button changes the logical meaning of multiple tree queries between AND and OR. It also shows the actual setting.
simple click to the list attributes:
It shows the possible values of this attribute in the column possible values, if the type of the attribute is enumeration.
button set in the column attributes or double click to the list attributes
It adds the selected attribute to the actual node in the query (or, if already present, moves cursor to it).
button remove in the column attributes:
It removes the selected attribute (and its values) from the actual node of the query.
simple click to the list of possible values:
It makes a copy of selected value in the text field at the bottom of the column possible values (it is also the right place to fill your own values).
button add in the column possible values or double click to the list of possible values:
It adds a value to the already defined values of the actual attribute in the query. The escape charecter \ is put before all necessary characters.
button set in the column possible values:
It sets a value as the only value of the actual attribute in the query (all previous values, if any, are removed). The escape charecter \ is put before all necessary characters.
button x in the column possible values:
It clears the history of previously entered values.
button add RE in the column possible values:
It adds a value as a regular expression to the already defined values of the actual attribute in the query. " is automatically added as a leading and trailing character. The escape charecter \ is put before all necessary characters.
button set RE in the column possible values:
It sets a value as regular expression as the only value of the actual attribute in the query (all previous values, if any, are removed). " is automatically added as a leading and trailing character. The escape charecter \ is put before all necessary characters.
Query and history buttons:
All the well defined queries used to selecting trees (by clicking on the button select trees by the query or ...above result) are stored in the combo box history. You can use again these queries by their selecting in the combo box.
save (query) - (in an application only):
It allows you to save a query to the disk. A dialog window (similar to the dialog window appearing by clicking on the load button) appears and allows you to select a name and a comment of the saved query. There you can also browse, overwrite and delete the previously saved queries in the dialog window.
load (query) - (in an application only):
It allows you to load (and use again) a previously saved query from the disk. A dialog window appears and allows you to select a previously saved query.
save (history) - (in an application only):
It allows you to save the history of queries to the disk. It is similar to the query saving.
load (history) - (in an application only):
It allows you to load a previously saved history of queries from the disk. It is similar to the query loading.
clear (history):
It deletes all the queries from the history of queries.

The query load dialog window:

query load dialog

The textual format of queries:

This section describes how to write your query directly to the text field query. You can combine this direct writing with clicking on factory buttons or global head buttons. Whenever you want to synchronize the text form of your query with the displayed tree, click on the button show the query tree.
How to define the form of a tree
In order to convert a tree form into a linear sequence of characters: You have to begin from the root of the tree. The entry for the root consists of two square brackets. The tree with just one node looks like follows:

If the node is not a leaf, after the closing square bracket for this node a left parenthesis follows, which means a switch to a lower level. After it follows another node (again the two square brackets), after it another left parenthesis can follow and so on. A right parenthesis means the return to a higher level. Brothers in a tree are written on one level (within one pair of parentheses) and they are separated by a comma.


the tree you want to convert:
a simple tree
and the converted linear sequence of the tree:


The nodes are numbered for convenience only, to show the order of the nodes in the linear sequence.
Explanation: We begin from the root - the node #1. It is specified by the first pair of square brackets.
A left parenthesis, which means the switch to a lower level, and the node #2 follow.
The next left parenthesis means the next switch to a lower level and the node #3 follows.
This node is a leaf. The nodes #3 and #4 are brothers, therefore they are separated by a comma.
The node #4 is a leaf as well.
Then the first right parenthesis follows, it expresses the return to the previous level.
The node #2 was the last one described on this level. The node #5, a leaf as well, remains.
It is the brother of the node #2 and so they are separated by a comma.
The last right parenthesis meaning the return to the first level closes the sequence.
How to specify nodes in a tree
Usually you want to specify more than the form of a subtree in your query. You can specify characteristics of every node in a query - you can create masks to be matched by nodes in the search. These masks are written between square brackets, separated by a comma. The order of attributes in the global head determines the order of the attributes by defining the masks. Unless specified differently, the first mask belongs to the first attribute from the global head, the second mask to the second attribute and so on. If you want to skip some attributes (and not define any restriction - mask for them), write the name of the next attribute you want to specify followed by = before a mask. Then the mask belongs to the attribut of that name.

Example:  [Sb,m/lemma=prezident]

This linear entry matches every node with these specifications:

     the value of the attribute on the first place in the global head is prezident
     the value of the second attribute in the global head is NMS1A
     the value of the attribute named origf is Prezident
     the value of the attribute following the attribute origf in the global head is AuxP

Wild cards

You can use special characters (wild cards) in a mask:

* - means a sequence of characters (of the length >= 0)
? - means just any one character

Example:  [w/token=?rezident*]

Then the value of the attribute w/token can be Prezident or prezidentovi and so on.

You can disable this special sense of the characters by placing the escape character \ before them (two escape characters, if you write directly to the text field query). Then the entry \* means really *, \? means ?, and \\ (\\\\ in the text field query) means \.
For using other special characters (those which constitute the fs structure of the query) as parts of values of attributes, namely [, ], (, ), =, , and |, put one character \ before them only if you write directly to the text field query. If you write a value of an attribute into the text field value inside the area possible values and use buttons set or add, Netgraph copies the value to the actual position in the text form of the query and automatically puts the necessary escape characters before the mentioned fs-constituting characters.


You can also use alternatives in your queries. The meaning of alternatives is 'or' and there are two types of them.

The first one separates two or more masks of one attribute.

Example:  [w/token=Prezident|prezident]

Then the value of the attribute w/token can be Prezident or prezident

The second type of alternatives allows you to specify all next variants of masks of all attributes (alternative conditions for a whole node).

Example:  [m/lemma=prezident,m/tag=NNMS1-----A----,w/token=Prezident,afun=Sb]|[m/lemma=prezident,m/tag=NNMP5-----A----]|[m/lemma=prezident,m/tag=NNMS6-----A----]

This is an entry of one node. When searching, only one of the variants needs to match.

There must not be any unnecessary characters (like the space character) in an entry.

Regular expressions

Since version 1.77 of Netgraph, you can use Perl-like regular expressions as values of attributes in queries. Just put " at the start and end of a value of an attribute and Netgraph will understand it an anchored regular expression. (Anchored means that it must match with the whole value of the attribute in the result tree.) For example, tag="[AN]...[^4].*" means a tag with A or N as its first character and anything but 4 as its fifth character, which in PDT 1.0 means that the node is a noun or adjective that is not in accusative.

Just like in the normal form of a value (meaning not being a regular expression), you need to use the escape character \ before some special characters (those which constitute the fs structure of the query), namely [, ], (, ), =, , and |. Then, the previous example would be in the text form of the query: [tag="\[AN\]...\[^4\].*"]

Please note that you can only use relations = and != with regular expressions.

If you write a regular expression into the text field value inside the area possible values and use buttons set RE or add RE, Netgraph copies the value to the actual position in the text form of the query, adds the leading and trailing character ", and automatically puts the necessary escape characters before the mentioned characters.

Multiple tree queries

Since version 1.80 of Netgraph, the query may consist of several trees, combined either with logical AND or logical OR (no combination is possible). In the text version of the query, if there is only one tree, it forms the only line of the query. If there are several trees, each of them must be on its own line. The logical expression for combining all of them (only single AND or OR) is on the first line, the first tree on the second line, the second tree on the third line, the third tree on the fourth line, and so on. If the line with the logical expression is omitted, AND is presumed.

For example, in PDT 1.0,

searches for trees that contain both a node with lemma Klaus and a node with lemma Zeman, anywhere in the tree.
On the other hand,

searches for trees that contain at least one of the specified nodes. This second example is too simple and it might be of course replaced with a shorter query [lemma=Klaus|Zeman]. But the construction with OR and multiple trees is more general - there may be "real" trees with different structures involved.

Meta attributes

Meta attributes allow you to specify more complex queries and make the Netgraph search language really powerfull. There are nine meta attributes at this time:

- this meta attribute defines a transitive edge. It has two possible values:
- this meta-attribute defines an optional node. It may but does not have to be in the result tree. Its parent and its son (in the query) can be direct parent and son in the result. Only the specified node can appear between them in the result tree. Possible values are:
- this meta attribute can be used to define an exact number of sons of a node. For example, by defining _#sons=0 you can specify a node as a leaf.
- this meta attribute can be used to define an exact number of hidden sons of a node.
- this meta attribute can be used to define an exact number of all descendants of a node (number of nodes in its subtree (excluding the node itself)).
- this meta attribute can be used to define an exact number of left brothers of a node.
- this meta attribute can be used to define an exact number of right brothers of a node.
- by using this attribute you can define a distance between a node and a root in a result tree. For example, _depth=0 defines a node as a root.
- this meta attribute allows you to specify exact number of occurrences of a particular node at a particular place in a result tree. By defining it at a node in a query you can specify how many nodes of the kind can occur in a result tree as direct successors of the parent of the node (including the node itself). (More precisly said: ...of the node matching with the parent of the node.)
If you use it together with meta attribute _transitive, it specifies how many nodes of the kind can occur in the whole subtree of the parent (including the node itself and excluding the parent). (More precisly again: the whole subtree of the node matching with the parent of the node.)
You can use it even at a node without a parent in the query - if used with meta attribute _transitive, it specifies how many such nodes can occur in a whole result tree (excluding its technical root). Without _transitive, it says how many such nodes can occur as sons of their father in the result tree (although the node is fatherless in the query); in this case, only a positive value can be used.
You can use non-negative values of this meta attribute _#occurrences, even zero if you want to specify that such a node does not appear there at all. (The zero value of this meta attribute can only be set once at a node (in any set of attributes)).
- use this meta attribute for naming a node in the query. Then, you can make a reference to values of attributes of this node (in a result tree) when specifying a value of an attribute of another node (or its part), using notation {node_name.attr_name}. For example, you can name a node _name=node1, and by another node specify ord<{node1.ord}. See more about the references in the section References to values of attributes of other nodes. (The meta attribute _name can be specified only once at a node, in the first set of attributes, and cannot have alternative values.)
- the value of this meta attribute is simply the sentence the result tree belongs to in its linear form. You can use it at any node of your query; if the expression you set to this meta attribute matches the sentence, the meta attribute matches at all nodes of the result tree - therefore, if you only use this meta attribute and do not specify any other condition in the query, better combine it e.g. with _depth=0 so it does not match every node in the result tree.

References to values of attributes of other nodes

After you have named a node using meta attribute _name, you can make references to values of the node from other nodes.
There are two possible ways of it:

- a reference to whole value of an attribute
The format of this reference is {node_name.attr_name}. For example, if a node has been named n1, you can make a reference to a value of attribute ord of the node like this: ord<{n1.ord}.
- a reference to one character of a value of an attribute
The format of this reference is {node_name.attr_name.character_order}. For example, if a node has been named n1, you can make a reference to the fourth character of attribute tag of the node like this: tag=???{n1.tag.4}*.

You can make references as parts of value masks and you can use more references when specifying one value of an attribute.

Hidden nodes

There may be one special attribute among the attributes evaluated in trees, which says if a node is hidden or not. Hidden nodes are not considered to be real nodes and serve for special purpoces.

Hidden nodes are not searched unless a node is explicitely specified in the query as hidden. (Values '0', 'false' and empty value mean that the node is not hidden, all the other values mean that it is hidden. Please note that only relation '=' is valid at this attribute and that it may only be specified at the first set of attributes of a node.) Many meta-attributes do not take hidden nodes into account at all (_#sons, _#descendants, _#lbrothers, _#rbrothers), the others again only if specified in the query.

Hidden nodes are not displayed in trees unless required - see the next chapter Viewing the result of a query for instructions how to show/hide hidden nodes.

In PDT 2.0, hidden nodes serve for referring to lower layers of annotation: to the main parts of the morphological and the analytical layers. Nodes at the tectogrammatical layer may have one or more hidden sons that say which analytical nodes this tectogrammatical node refers to. The attribute for setting a hidden node is called hide.

Viewing the result of a query (trees matching the condition)

In the third tab - Trees - you can browse the trees matching your query, set attributes to be displayed and so on.

a result tree

There are usually more than one tree matching your query. The Netgraph client will automatically display the first one. You can click on the button -> (and <-) to display the next (resp. previous) occurrence of the query in the result trees. With some queries, several results may occur in one tree. If you want to skip multiple results (occurrences of the query) in one tree, use buttons ->> and <<-. Use the button |<<- to go to the first result at any time. To see context trees (trees immediately preceding or succeding in the files), use buttons < and >.

When a tree is loaded, the node in the tree matching the root of your query is selected and therefore highlighted by yellow colour. (In case a hidden node is found (see the section Hidden nodes) and hidden nodes are not set to be displayed, the node is not highlighted (because not displayed at all) - switch on displaying hidden nodes to fix it (button show/hide). All other nodes and edges matching the query are highlited as well (by green colour; hidden nodes and their edges are highlited by some other colours). If necessary, the tree is scrolled so that you can see the matching nodes.
The sentence belonging to the tree is displayed on the top of the tab, in several lines if necessary. To change the size of the font in the sentence, use the menu options -> font size -> in result sentences. and the file name (the tree belongs to) is displayed at the bottom.

If you click on button show/hide, a small menu with two items is displayed:
    - show hidden nodes - use this for switching between showing/hiding hidden nodes (hidden nodes are displayed in grey color).
    - show references - use this for switching between showing/hiding individual references. A submenu appears, in which you can change a visibility of a reference. Since the list of references comes from the server, it is not localized.

If you click on button actions, a small menu with one item is displayed:
    - remove this tree - use this for removing the actually displayed occurrence from the result. It will not be displayed any more as a result of the actual query (until you start another search with the same or another query), nor it will be among trees saved to the local disk. The statistics about the actual search change accordingly.

There is a column with the list of attributes on the left. There you can select the attributes you want to display for each node in the tree. The names of the selected attributes are listed below in the list named displayed attributes. You can see all attributes of a specific node on the left by clicking on the node (the node will be displayed yellow).

If any of accented Czech characters (in the sentence, in the tree or in the list of attributes) are displayed incorrectly, try to change the character coding in trees in the menu option to ascii - the accented characters will be converted into unaccented characters.

The size of the font used in the result trees can be changed from the menu options -> font size -> in result trees.

Between the buttons < and >, there is a button with five numbers in two groups, each group enclosed in [] and the numbers divided by /. It shows statistics about the current searching. Click on the button to refresh the information.
The meaning of the values:

Saving result trees to a local disk

(in an application only)

You can save result trees to a local disk if you are permited to (e.g. anonymous user is not).

Select menu -> File -> save result trees.
A dialog window appears:

local save dialog

The result trees can be saved to local disk in one file or in several files according to original separation or of a given size.
First, choose a destination directory where you want to put the files to.
Then, select how to separate trees to files. You have several possibilities:

You can also set the range of trees you want to save.

If you check the checkbox Add the query-match meta tag to the nodes, then the information which nodes and edges are parts of query-matching subtree will be added. Tree editor TrEd ( is able to recognize and graphically emphasize the added information. The information from the original files about the way how to display trees in TrEd is also added to the saved files. Chosen attributes are set to be displayed in TrEd too.

If you check the checkbox Save multiple occurrences of the query, each occurrence of the query in one result tree will be saved separately. Otherwise, any result tree is saved only once (with the first occurrence of the query marked, if the above checkbox is checked).

Printing result trees on a printer

(in an application only)

You can print a tree displayed on the tab Trees on a printer. For permission restrictions on unsigned applets this does not work in the Netgraph client as an applet.

For printing a displayed tree on a printer, just select menu -> File -> print.
A dialog window appears:

print dialog

You can select font properties (family, size) as well as the form of the printed tree (center, keep ratio).

Check the checkbox print in black and white for printing optimized for black and white printers.

If you want the print job to run on background, check the checkbobackground.

Press the button page setup to select the paper size and the orientation.

In the end, click on the button print... to select a printer properties and print the tree.

Setting and running an external command

(in an application only)

An external command can be run from Netgraph. It can be edited by selecting menu -> Tools -> external command -> edit.
A dialog window appeares:

external command edit dialog

The entered external command is saved and can be started at any time by pressing F9 or selecting menu -> Tools -> external command -> start.

Before the external command is executed, the following variables are substituted:

- with the file name of the actual tree (without the path and the last suffix)
- with the order of the actual tree in the file
- with the depth-first order of the node matching the root of the first tree of the query (counted from 0, hidden nodes are not counted)
- with the depth-first order of the actually chosen node (counted from 0, hidden nodes are not counted)
Hidden nodes have the same depth-first order like their nearest non-hidden predecessor.

Menu commands




