This is a description of Netgraph server result file.
This description was created in April 25th, 2007
Last change was made in April 25th, 2007
The name of the result file is vysledek.[PID]

The content of the result file:



RESULT_FILE_OCCURRENCES_DELIMITER is a char with decimal code 0 - a delimiter of occurrences, defined in dotser.c
RESULT_FILE_OCCURRENCES_ERASER is a char with decimal code 1 - an occurrence with this "delimiter" is considered erased, defined in dotser.c
EOL_2 is a char with decimal code 10 - a newline, defined in dotser.c
FILE_PATH is a string representing a full path to the file the result tree is from
TREE_NUMBER is a string representation of the result tree number in the file (counted from 1)
MATCHING_NODES_QUERY_DELIMITER is a char - ':', defined in dotser.c, dividing result and query nodes in each matching pair
MATCHING_NODES_DELIMITER is a char - ',', defined in dotser.c, dividing matching nodes from one tree of the query
MATCHING_NODES_TREES_DELIMITER is a char - ';', defined in dotser.c, dividing matching nodes from different trees of the query
RESULT_NODE_NUMBER is a string representation of a node number in the result tree (counted from 0)
QUERY_NODE_NUMBER is a string representation of a node number in the query (counted from 0)
END_OF_SEARCHING is a char 'E', representing the end of searching, defined in mutual.h
CAUSE is a char representing the cause of the end of the searching; possible values are (as defined in mutual.h):