The Internet Protocol for Netgraph Client-Server Communication

At the server side, the messages are processed in function reseni (dotser.c).
Most of the names are defined in file mutual.h, some are defined in other header/implementation files.

Names of one-character constants/variables are enclosed in [] (e.g. [EOM])
Names of strings are enclosed in {} (e.g. {login_name})
Constants are written in capital letters (e.g. [EOL])
Names of lists of predefined constants are written with first letter capitalized (e.g. {Property_Label})
Names of arbitrary characters/strings are written in low letters (e.g. {login_name})

GETVERSION (a request for a version of the client/server)

C: [GETVERSION][Type_Of_The_Version][EOM]
     where: [Type_Of_The_Version] is one of:
       [SERVER_VERSION] (the version of the server)
       [CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION] (the required version of the client to work properly with the server)
       [CLIENT_RECOMMENDED_VERSION] (the recommended version of the client to take advantage of all features of the server)
S: [OK]{version}[EOM]

GET_INIT_INFO (a request for a bundle of initial information)

S: [ERROR][EOM] (if an error occurs)

PWD (a request for the actual directory in the treebank)

S: [OK]{actual_directory}[EOM]

CD (a request to change the actual directory in the treebank)

C: [CD]{relative_path_to_the_new_directory}[EOM]
S: [OK]{new_actual_directory}[EOM] (if the change was successful)
   [ERROR][EOM] (if an error occurs, like the new directory is out of the directory structure accessible to the user)

GETDIRS (a request for the list of subdirectories in the actual directory in the treebank)

C: [GETDIRS][Type_Of_The_Part][EOM]
     where: [Type_Of_The_Part] is one of:
       [PART_FIRST] (the client expects the first (possibly the only one) part of the list of directories)
       [PART_MIDDLE] (the client expects the next (possibly last) part of the list of directories)
S: [ERROR][EOM] (if an error occurs)
     where: [TAB] is a tabulator ('\t')
            [Type_Of_The_Part] is one of:
       [PART_ONLY] (the whole list of directories is being sent in this one message)
       [PART_FIRST] (the list of directories is too long for one message; this is the first part)
       [PART_MIDDLE] (the list of directories is too long for one message; this is neither the first nor the last part)
       [PART_LAST] (the list of directories is too long for one message; this is the last part)

GETFILES (a request for the list of files in the actual directory in the treebank)

C: [GETFILES][Type_Of_The_Part][EOM]
     where: [Type_Of_The_Part] is one of:
       [PART_FIRST] (the client expects the first (possibly the only one) part of the list of files)
       [PART_MIDDLE] (the client expects the next (possibly last) part of the list of files)
S: [ERROR][EOM] (if an error occurs)
     where: [TAB] is a tabulator ('\t')
            [Type_Of_The_Part] is one of:
       [PART_ONLY] (the whole list of files is being sent in this one message)
       [PART_FIRST] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is the first part)
       [PART_MIDDLE] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is neither the first nor the last part)
       [PART_LAST] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is the last part)

GET_TAIL (sending of the content of the actual file found after the trees)

S: [OK]{tail_of_the_file}[EOM]
     where: {tail_of_the_file} is written in function getTail (dotser.c)

SETFILES (setting a list of files for searching)

C: [SETFILES][Type_Of_The_Part]({file/dir_name}[TAB])*{file/dir_name}*[EOM]
     where: [TAB] is a tabulator ('\t')
            [Type_Of_The_Part] is one of:
       [PART_ONLY] (the whole list of files is being sent in this one message)
       [PART_FIRST] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is the first part)
       [PART_MIDDLE] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is neither the first nor the last part)
       [PART_LAST] (the list of files is too long for one message; this is the last part)
S: [OK][EOM] (for [Type_Of_The_Part] one of [PART_FIRST] and [PART_MIDDLE])
   [OK]{global_head}[EOM] (for [Type_Of_The_Part] one of [PART_ONLY] and [PART_LAST])
     where: {global_head} is a union of attributes, their types and possible values, generated in function vypis_hlavicku (dotser.c)

QUERY (setting a query - a request for searching in the treebank)

C: [QUERY][ALL_TREES][EOM] (a request for all trees in the selected files)
      (a request for trees matching the query, from the selected files, use logical expression to combine trees in the query)
      (a request for trees matching the query, from the result of the previous query, use logical expression to combine trees in the query)
   [QUERY][ABOVE_FILES][query_position][Match_Lemma_Variants][Match_Lemma_Comments][Invert_Match][First_Only]{QUERY_1(starting with '['}[EOL]...{QUERY_N}[EOM]
      (a request for trees matching the query, from the selected files, use AND to combine trees in the query)
   [QUERY][ABOVE_RESULT][query_position][Match_Lemma_Variants][Match_Lemma_Comments][Invert_Match][First_Only]{QUERY_1(starting with '['}[EOL]...{QUERY_N}[EOM]
      (a request for trees matching the query, from the result of the previous query, use AND to combine trees in the query)
S: [ERROR][EOM] (if an unspecified error occurs)
   [ERROR][Error_Type]{error_description}[EOM] (if a specified error occurs (like an error in regular expression))
   [REPEAT][EOM] (in case a query above the previous result is being set and the previous searching has not yet finished)
   [OK][Specifier][EOM] (if the query has been successfully set; [Specifier] is ignored by the client)

STOP (an explicit request to stop the searching)

S: the response of the server is identical to GET_STATISTICS (get statistics)

GET_STATISTICS (a request for actual statistics about searching)

S: [OK]{number_of_actual_occurrence}[EOL]

GETN (a request for the next result)

C: [GETN][Subtype][EOM] (next occurrence/tree/context tree)
     where: [Subtype] is one of:
       [PREV_FIRST_OCCURRENCE] (a request for the first result)
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_CONTEXT] (a request for the subsequent context tree)
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_TREE] (a request for the next result tree)
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_OCCURRENCE] (a request for the next occurrence)
S: [END_OF_SEARCHING][END_OF_SEARCHING_MAX_NUMBER_REACHED]{statistics}[EOM] (no next tree - maximum allowed number reached)
   [END_OF_SEARCHING][END_OF_SEARCHING_NO_NEXT_TREE]{statistics}[EOM] (no next tree - there is no next result tree in the selected files)
   [FILE_BOUNDARY_REACHED]{statistics}[EOM] (no next context tree in the file)
   [ERROR]{statistics}[EOM] (no next found tree; still searching)
   [OK][?]\n{file_name}\n{matching_nodes}\n{statistics[EOL]}{fs_head}\n{fs_tree}[EOM] (next tree sent)
     where: {statistics} are the same statistics like in [GET_STATISTICS]
            [?] - remains to be documented

GETP (a request for the previous result)

C: [GETP][Subtype][EOM] (previous occurrence/tree/context tree)
     where: [Subtype] is one of:
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_CONTEXT] (a request for the previous context tree)
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_TREE] (a request for the previous result tree)
       [NEXT_OR_PREV_OCCURRENCE] (a request for the previous occurrence)
S: [ERROR]{statistics}[EOM] (an error occurred)
   [OK][?]\n{file_name}\n{matching_nodes}\n{statistics[EOL]}{fs_head}\n{fs_tree}[EOM] (next tree sent)
     where: {statistics} are the same statistics like in [GET_STATISTICS]
            [?] - remains to be documented

REMOVE_OCCURRENCE (removing of the actual tree from the result)

S: the response of the server is identical to GETN (get next tree)

LOGIN (authentication of the user or password change)

C: [LOGIN][LOGIN_AUTHENTIZE]{login_name}[EOL]{md5_encoded_password}[EOL][EOM] (a request to login with a name and password (encoded with MD5))
     where: {Property_Label} - labels of properties are defined in passwd.c
   [ERROR][Error_Type][EOM] (if an error occurs)
     where [Error_Type] is (defined in passwd.h):
       [ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST] (if the login_name does not exist)
       [ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED] (if the account has been disabled)
       [ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD] (if the password is wrong)
       [ERROR_CANNOT_READ_FILE] (if the reading from the file with passwords failed)
       [ERROR_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY] (if an error while allocating memory occurred)
       [ERROR_ANOTHER_ERROR] (if some other error occurred)

C: [LOGIN][LOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD]{login_name}[EOL]{md5_encoded_old_password}[EOL]{md5_encoded_new_password}[EOL][EOM]
S: [OK][EOM] (if successfully changed)
   [ERROR][Error_Type][EOM] (if an error occurs)
     where [Error_Type] is (defined in passwd.h):
       [ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST] (if the login_name does not exist)
       [ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED] (if the account has been disabled)
       [ERROR_WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD] (if the old_password is wrong)
       [ERROR_NO_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PERMISSION] (if the user has not permission to change his password)
       [ERROR_CANNOT_READ_FILE] (if the reading from the file with passwords failed)
       [ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE] (if the writing to the file with passwords failed)
       [ERROR_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY] (if an error while allocating memory occurred)
       [ERROR_ANOTHER_ERROR] (if some other error occurred)

CLIENT_EXITED (the client ended the connection)

S: no response


Notes (do not belong here):

metaatributy a vyznamove atributy v dotazu:

hide: lze definovat jen v prvni sade atributu (tedy ne v alternativnim uzlu), lze pouzit
      ve variantach hodnot (tedy mohu rict hide=true|false)
      mozne hodnoty: prazdna hodnota, "0" a "false" znamenaji neskryty uzel, ostatni hodnoty skryty uzel
      atribut musi byt definovany pouze s relaci '='

_name: muze byt definovano jen v prvni sade atributu, jen s jednou hodnotou

_transitive: muze byt definovano ve vice sadach, pokazde jen s jednou hodnotou

_optional: muze byt definovan v kterekoliv sade, ale u vrcholu jen jednou (nema smysl ve vice sadach, vrchol je bud cely optional nebo ne)
           rovnez muze byt definovan jen s jednou hodnotou (protoze _optional=1|2|3 je to same jako _optional=3) a jen s rovnitkem;
           nemuze byt definovan u korene dotazu