Netgraph Client Packages and Classes

This file describes the packages and classes of the Netgraph client.

There are five packages used in Netgraph client project:

An automatically generated javadoc documentation of the packages and classes is also available.

package default

The default Java package contains classes specific only for the Netgraph client.

classes and interfaces

class ExampleFileFilter:
An implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about. Extensions are of the type ".foo", which is typically found on Windows and Unix boxes, but not on Macinthosh. Case is ignored. This class has been downloaded from the internet and used in the project.
class LocalSaveResultTreesDialog:
A class that displays a dialog window with options for saving result trees to a local disc.
class NGClient:
The main class in the Netgraph client. It takes care of the initialization of the program, creates the GUI, and handles the events from the main menu.
class NGForestSaver:
Class NGForestSaver saves result trees to a local disc. It communicates with the server and asks it to send the result trees one by one. Optionally, it adds an information about matching nodes to the trees.
class PanelDebug:
Class PanelDebug creates a panel for displaying debug messages from all parts of the program.
class PanelFiles:
Class PanelFiles creates a panel for selecting files with trees for searching. It communicates with the server and lets the user navigate through the accessible directory structure of the server. The user can select individual files or directories and make a list of files and directories for searching. The selected list can be saved to the local disc and loaded back next time Netgraph starts.
class PanelQuery:
Class PanelQuery creates a panel for creating a query. The user can choose attributes and their values from a list and use buttons to create the structure of the query. The graphical representation of the query is displayed, as the query is being created. The textual version of the query can be edited as well. A history of queries is kept. The history, as well as individual queries, can be saved to a local disc and loaded back later.
class PanelTrees:
Class PanelTrees creates a panel for displaying results of the search. The tree and the sentence are displayed, attributes can be selected to be displayed at the nodes, the result can be navigated through using buttons.
class PrintTreeDialog:
Class PrintTreeDialog displays a dialog window with options for printing a result tree to a printer. Available fonts and printers are retrieved from the system and offered to the user.
class QuerySelectionDialog:
Class QuerySelectionDialog creates a dialog window for loading/saving a query to a local disc. A list of previously saved queries is displayed and the graphical representation of the query is displayed too. A name of the query and a comment can be entered, an item can be deleted from the list.
class ResultTreesLocalSaver:
This object initializes saving of the result trees to the local disc. It shows a progress bar and allows the user to cancel the saving.
interface SavingFinishedListener:
An interface for capturing an event of finishing the saving of results trees.
class ServerCommunication:
Class ServerCommunication provides the interface for communication with the server. All types of messages that are understood by the server are created here. It uses class ServerNetCommunication for the actual sending of the messages. Other classes can only communicate with the server through this class.
class ServerConnectionDialog:
Class ServerConnectionDialog displays a dialog window for the user to enter a name of the server and a port he wants to connect to, as well as a login name and a password of the user.
exception ServerNetCommunicationException:
An almost empty class representing an exception in communication with the server.
class ServerNetCommunication:
Class ServerNetCommunication sends and receives messages to/from the server via the internet. It is a low-level implementation of the communication.
interface TreeLoadedListener:
An interface for a class capable of listening to the event of the tree from the server having been sent.
A source file with Czech translation of all labels and messages in the Netgraph client.
A source file with English version of all labels and messages in the Netgraph client.
A source file with a default (English) version of all labels and messages in the Netgraph client.

package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky

This package contains general classes used in the Netgraph client.

classes and interfaces

class CaretControlEnabledComboBoxEditor:
Class CaretControlEnabledComboboxEditor extends class BasicComboBoxEditor. It adds the possibility to read and control the position of the caret. It is used for creating the textual form of the query.
class CharCode:
Class CharCode converts strings from one character coding to another. Since UTF-8 is used in Netgraph now, the class is now only used to transcode from pseudo coding in queries to UTF-8. Pseudo coding in queries allows entering accented characters as a sequence of unaccented characters, e.g. e2=é, e3=ě.
class InfoBar:
Class InfoBar creates a one-line bar in which information for the user can be displayed. It can also display a progress bar. It is used for displaying messages for the users and as a progress bar during saving the result trees to a local disc.
interface ProgressDisplayer:
An interface for a class that displays a progress bar, for starting and stopping the progress bar.
interface ProgressSource:
An interface for a class that can serve as a source of a progress data for a progress bar.
interface ShowMessagesAble:
An interface for a class capable of displaying debug and info messages to the users.
class WebViewer:
This is a simple web browser with back functionality implemented. It is used to display the manual for the client, as well as the changelog and to-do list.

package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.account

This package contains classes for user authentication and authorization, and account management.

classes and interfaces

class ChangePasswordDialog:
This class displays a dialog window for changing a users's password.
exception ServerCommunicationFormatErrorException:
An exception representing an error in the format in the communication with the server (used with the authentication of the users).
class UserAccount:
Class UserAccount keeps information about the user account - the authentication and authorization information.


This package contains classes for storing program properties and their saving to/loading from the local disc. Saved queries and saved histories of queries, as well as saved subcorpora, also use classes from this package.

classes and interfaces

interface Item:
Interface Item defines functions for an item - a name, a value, a comment.
class ItemSelectionDialog:
This class displays a dialog window that allows the user to select an item from a list of items or enter a new name and comment of an item.
interface ItemSet:
This is an interface for a set of items. It makes sure that the class provides certain iterators over the items.
class Properties:
Class Properties keeps a set of properties sections, stored together e.g. in one file.
class PropertiesLoader:
Class PropertiesLoader is used to store and restore properties to/from storage - this is implementation for files.
class PropertiesManager:
A class for keeping and changing properties.
class PropertiesSection:
Class PropertiesSection keeps a set of related properties - one section.
class Property:
Class Property represents one property - its name, value and comment.

package cz.cuni.mff.mirovsky.trees

This package contains classes for manipulating and displaying trees.

classes and interfaces

class Attribute:
Class Attribute keeps general properties of an attribute of nodes in trees, like a name, possible values, type etc.
class NGForest:
A class keeping a forest of trees. It is usually only one tree, in case of multi-tree query it consists of several trees.
class NGForestDisplay:
This class provides functions for printing a forest on a screen and for responding mouse-clicks on the forest. It is an extension of class NGForestView.
class NGForestPrint:
This class provides functions for printing trees on a printer. It is an extension of class NGForestView.
class NGForestView:
A base class for forest viewing (displaying on a screen, printing on a printer).
class NGTree:
A class containing a single tree.
class NGTreeHead:
A class representing a head of a forest. It keeps information about the attributes in the forest.
class NGTreeProperties:
A class that keeps information how to display trees.
class PrintTreeProperties:
A class that keeps properties of trees related to printing the trees on a printer.
class ReferencePattern:
A class for keeping one pattern of references in trees.
class TAHLine:
Class TAHLine keeps a value of an attribute in a set of attributes at a node. It is linked in a linked list to keep all alternative values of the attribute at the node.
class TNode:
A representation of a node in a tree. It points to its father, its first son and its immediate brother.
class TValue:
This class keeps a set of values of attributes at a node. It is linked into a linked list to keep all alternative sets of values of attributes.