NetGraph - ChangeLog

7.8.08: server 1.95: References are resolved with all possible alternative values.
                     A reference can also refer to the meta-attribute _sentence.

15.7.08: server 1.94: The client is automatically disconnected after a configurable amount of time of inactivity.
                      An unsuccessful login does not increase the number of connected clients any more.
         client 1.94: The previously displayed tree is dimmed after a new query is launched.

10.4.08: client,server 1.93: Support for running an external command with variables substitution (variables %FILE_NAME%,
                             %TREE_NUMBER%, %ROOT_ORDER% and %CHOSEN_NODE_ORDER% are supported).
                             Original tail of files (generated by TrEd) is saved along with trees and Netgraph-specific tail.
                             Fixed bug in displaying attributes with names that differ only in case of letters.

12.12.07: server 1.92: Support for data with enumeration type of attribute hide

9.11.07: client,server 1.91: Meta-attribute _optional can be used with the following values now:
                             true: a chain of unlimited length of nodes of the given kind can be skipped
                             a positive whole number: a chain of length up to the given number of nodes of
                                                      the given type can be skipped
                             false, 0: the node is not optional

6.11.07: client 1.90: References are displayed in the query, the required order of nodes is displayed in the query,
                      transitive edges, optional nodes and zero-occurrence nodes are graphically displayed in the query.

23.10.07: client,server 1.89: It is possible to only search for the first occurrence in each tree, if wished.

22.10.07: client,server 1.88: It is possible to change visibility of individual coreferences.
                              More curve shapes are supported in coreferences; file coreferences.txt has changed.

11.10.07: client,server 1.86: File names and paths can contain space characters now.

11.10.07: client,server 1.86: File names and paths can contain space characters now.
          server 1.86: Comments and values with space characters can now be successfuly used in config.txt file.
                       Preset global head can be specified in config.txt file.

14.9.07: client 1.85: More types of coreference edges are supported.
         server 1.85: Meta-attribute _#occurrences may finally be combined with references to other nodes.

21.6.07: server 1.84: A bug causing eventually the exhaustion of shared memory ids has hopefully been fixed.

23.5.07: server 1.84: The list of files is sorted before being sent to the client.

30.4.07: client,server 1.83: Trees can be removed from the result now. They are no longer displayed, nor saved to the local disk.

23.4.07: client,server 1.82: Context trees can be displayed now.

23.2.07: server 1.81: Meta-attribute _transitive has a new value: exclusive. Two "exclusive" transitive edges cannot share nodes.
                      The previous value (true) remains unchanged - means existence in the subtree.

19.2.07: client 1.81: Long result sentences are displayed in multiple lines (up to 3 lines, for longer sentences a JScrollPane appears).
                      Long result sentences are printed (on printer) in multiple lines.
                      Black and white printing is now supported.
                      Available font families are retrieved from the system.
                      Special font codings for printing have been removed for being obsolete.

23.1.07: client 1.80: Missing directory automatically created when saving result trees.
                      Adding matching meta tag and choosing whether multiple occurrencies of the query
                      should be saved are now two separate check boxes.
          client, server 1.80: Queries consisting of multiple trees are supported, either with AND or OR relation.
          server 1.80: Meta attribute _sentence for matching the linear form of the sentence has been added.

19.10.06: client 1.79: When result trees are saved there is an information
                       about file-encoding (UTF-8) and "selected attributes" for Tred added.
          server 1.79: Dynamic allocation of memory for too large values of attributes (loading trees is faster, nothing is lost).
                       Meta attribute _#hsons (number of hidden sons) has been added.

31.8.06: client 1.78: Added a button for inserting a new father of a current node in the query.

18.4.06: client, server 1.77: Support for regular expressions using pcre library.
         client 1.77: Added history of inserted values of attributes.
         server 1.77: Got rid of the [defunct] zombies.

22.11.05: client 1.76: A fix of displaying m/lemma according to the user settings.
          server 1.76: A fix of searching m/lemma according to the user settings.

19.7.05: client 1.76: The font size in query and result trees can be changed (from the menu).
30.3.05: client 1.75: It is possible to change the width of column with the names of attributes in the table of 
                      attributes in the tab Trees.
                      If a node is chosen it is displayed correctly whether it is a hidden node or not.

23.3.05: client, server 1.75: Netgraph now works with fs files encoded in UTF-8. There is one version of the client
                              for all languages. Now, it can display Chinese, too.
                              Hidden nodes are no longer considered as nodes. They are not searched unless explicitely
                              specified in the query. All meta attributes work in accordance with it, too.  

22.2.05: client, server 1.75: Netgraph can now skip multiple occurrences of the query in one tree. Faster start of saving to local disk.

19.11.04: client, server 1.74: Netgraph now shows coreferences.

9.7.04: client: Netgraph manual has been updated so it reflects all features of the client 1.73.

1.7.04: client, server 1.73: It is possible to add directories to list of selected subcorpus. One of saved subcorpora can
                             be chosen to be automatically selected for searching the next time the user connects to the
                             server. The applet version of Netgraph selects automatically the whole corpus for searching.

7.4.04 server 1.72: There are two new meta-attributes: _#lbrothers and _#rbrothers for setting number of
                    left/right brothers of a node.

5.4.04 client 1.71: Hidden nodes are not printed any more.

26.3.04 server 1.71: Reading of attribute values longer than MAXVALUELEN does not cause failure of reading (the remaining
                     part of the value is thrown away).

17.3.04 server 1.70: Additions and subtractions of double values are now allowed in values of meta-attributes too.

5.2.04 server 1.69: Additions and subtractions of double values are allowed now in values of attributes in queries.

14.1.04 server 1.68: A bug in searching for variants of values of attributes has been fixed.

30.12.03 client, server 1.68: It is possible to invert match in queries - so that the result will
                              consist of trees which do not match the query.

22.10.03 client 1.67: There is a new item in menu: menu -> options -> order, which allows users to change order of
                      nodes in trees from left-right to right-left and back.

22.10.03 client, server 1.67: The size of one tree has been increased so that all the terribly huge whole-paragraph-trees
                              of LDC Arabic treebank can be processed.

17.9.03 client, server 1.66: The wild card for one character ('.') has been replaced by '?'.
                             It is possible to write references to values of attributes of other nodes 
                             (the constructions {node_name.attr_name} and {node_name.attr_name.char_order})
                             while specifying a value of an attribute. For naming a node a new meta attribute
                             _name is used.

28.7.03 client 1.65: The displayed result tree is now automatically rolled so that the subtree matching
                     the query is visible.

24.7.03 client 1.64: Netgraph client can also graphically build queries with relations '<', '>', '<=' and '>='.

24.7.03 server 1.64: Netgraph server also accepts relations '<', '>', '<=' and '>='.

21.7.03 client: A bug "AIDREFS=lnd94103-001-p1s6w34,|lnd941..." in saving trees to a local disc has been fixed.

17.7.03 server, client: Netgraph home page and Netgraph server have been moved from

14.5.03 client: The nodes in the tree are ordered according to the attribute marked in the head of the file as @N,
                even if the values of the attribute are not whole numbers.

11.4.03 client: An error in saving trees without the attribute marking the matching nodes has been fixed.

14.3.03 server: Meta attribute _#occurrences has been added. It controls the exact number of occurrences of a certain node
                directly or transitively under another node or in the whole tree, including zero-occurrence.

31.1.03 client, server: Many new options in saving trees to the local disc.
                        Values of attributes of nodes can be used with relation not-equal now.

30.10.02 client, server: The lost documentation has been recovered. Support for Slovak characters has been added.
                         Saving trees to the local disc is faster now. The client and the server communicate in ISO-LATIN-2 now.

12.7.02 client, server: The information about the number of found occurrences, found trees and searched trees is displayed.

16.6.02 client, server: Users connect with a login name and a password, anonymous access is available. The applet only allows
                        the anonymous access. Non-anonymous users can save found trees to the local disc in FS format.

16.6.02 server: New meta-attributes have been added: _#sons controls the exact number of sons of a node,
                                                     _#descendants controls the exact number of all descendants of a node,
                                                     _depth controls the distance of a node from the root.

25.11.01 server: Meta-attribute _optional has been added. It specifies a node that does not have to be in the result; but
                 if there is a node at its place in the result, it has to match this optional node.

20.11.01 client, server: A system of meta-attributes for further refining the query has been introduced.
                         The first meta-attribute is _transitive. It sets a transitive edge to the parent in the query.
                         The server now sends all nodes matching the query and the client highlights them all, along with
                         the matching edges.

12.11.01 client: There are two new items in the menu Help: Changelog and Home page.

9.11.01 client: User's settings are saved to a file and after the client is restarted, they are loaded back (not for the applet).

31.10.01 client/server: Displaying and automatic matching of lemmas variants and comments can be controlled by the user now.

24.10.01 server: The config file config.txt has been enriched. It is possible to forbid connections from selected IP-addresses,
                 allow connection over the limit of connected users for certain IP-addresses, and to avoid logging connections
                 from certain addresses.

19.10.01 client/server: It is possible to chain queries - to set a query on the result of the previous query. The server
                        always finishes the previous query first and then starts the new query. The client-server version
                        control has been improved.
         server: The connections from clients are logged. The maximum number of connected clients is checked.

4.10.01 server: Scripting parts of the server have been replaced by C-code.
                Only pointers to found trees are stored now - the occupied space has been greatly reduced thus.
                No more error messages when connecting/disconnecting.
        client: Busy-cursor, faster communication with the server, other small improvements.

4.9.01 P�ibyly tla��tka a dialogy pro ukl�d�n� subkorpus�, dotaz� a histori� dotaz�;
                      v�e se po skon�en� aplikace ukl�d� do soubor� na disk.

30.7.01 V z�lo�ce Files je kontrolov�no v�cen�sobn� p�id�n� jednoho souboru k vybran�m soubor�m.
                       Pro p�ehlednost (aby nedo�lo ke zmaten�) nejsou zv�raz�ov�ny vybran� soubory p�i ozna�en�.

14.6.01 Atributy s v�ce hodnotymi se mohou zobrazovat se v�emi hodnotami najednou.
                       Opravena chyba v klonov�n� objektu NGTree.

6.6.01 Vrcholy s v�ce sadami atribut� se mohou zobrazovat se v�emi sadami najednou.

5.6.01 Vrcholy s v�ce sadami atribut� se zobrazuj� s mal�m krou�kem uvnit�.
                      Opraveno kreslen� krou�k� vrchol� stromu.

31.5.01 Kurzor v dotazu reaguje na klik do stromu dotazu a naopak.

29.5.01 Dotaz se zobrazuje jako strom se zhu�t�n�mi ��dky.

24.5.01 Dotaz se zobrazuje jako strom.

14.5.01 Opravena tvorba podstromu k vrcholu s podstromem - nestane se nic.

11.5.01 Opravena tvorba bratra k vrcholu s podstromem.
                       Hlavi�ka stromu je nyn� objekt.
					   Za��tek zobrazov�n� dotazu jako stromu.

7.5.01 Pln� funguje tvorba dotazu pomoc� klik�n�. P�ibylo n�kolik dal��ch tla��tek.

3.5.01 Tla��tko alternate node v tvorb� dotazu funguje pln�.

2.5.01 Tla��tko subtree v tvorb� dotazu funguje pln�.

30.4.01 Tla��tko brother v tvorb� dotazu funguje pln�.

27.4.01 Postupn� vznik� tla��tkov� pom�cka k tvorb� dotazu; funguje undo, new tree, ��ste�n� brother.

9.4.01 Hrany ke skr�van�m vrchol�m a skr�van� vrcholy se kresl� v barv�ch odli�n�ch od neskr�van�ch.

6.4.01, dotser.c: Server m�e klientovi poslat libovoln� velk� seznam adres��� nebo soubor� - velk� se po�le po ��stech

5.4.01, dotser.c: Serveru je mo�no poslat libovoln� velk� seznam vybran�ch soubor� - velk� se po�le po ��stech

3.4.01 Strom je nyn� objekt, stejn� tak zobrazovac� vlastnosti.
                      P�id�n tisk na pozad�.

28.3.01, dotser.c: Kontroluje se slu�itelnost verz� klienta a serveru

26.3.01 P�ejmenov�ny a ujednoceny adres��ov� struktury a t��dy
                       P�ekro�en� velikosti zpr�vy pro server je hl�d�no

2.3.01 Tisk m� vlastn� dialogov� okno, kde se nastavuj� parametry jako font, k�dov�n�, centrov�n�, ...

28.2.01 Odstran�ny mouchy v tisku slov jako obr�zk�

27.2.01 Dal�� volba k�dov�n� tisku umo��uje tisknout �esk� slova cel� jako obr�zky; je�t� to m� mouchy

26.2.01 Vylep�en� zobrazov�n� n�pov�dy v aplikaci

23.2.01 Lehce upraven aplet
                       Hl�ky o p�ipojov�n�/odpojov�n�

22.2.01 Zobrazuje se jm�no serveru a port, ke kter�mu jsem p�ipojen
                       P�i startu aplikace i pozd�ji volbou z menu -> soubor mo�no vybrat v dialogu server.

19.2.01 P�i grafick�m tisku na tisk�rnu funguje tisk diakritiky u� i u velk�ch p�smen
                       Aplikace u� �te parametry p�i spu�t�n� typu lang=en apod.

16.2.01 S diakritikou je mo�no tisknout v MonoSpaced fontu zvolen�m
                       menu -> nastaven� -> k�dov�n� znak� v tisku -> grafick�,
					   ov�em je�t� mus�m dod�lat velk� p�smena; �ili zat�m to funguje u mal�ch

15.2.01 Je mo�no tisknout bez diakritiky (menu -> nastaven� -> k�dov�n� znak� v tisku -> ascii)

14.2.01 Funguje tisk mal�ch i velk�ch strom�; ov�em probl�m s �e�tinou

13.2.01 Pomoc� koment��� mo�nost p�ekladu jako aplikace nebo jako apletu
                       U aplikace p�id�na polo�ka menu->soubor->exit
                       N�pov�da se u aplikace zobraz� jen b�dn�

15.11.00 Stahov�n� appletu urychleno zabalen�m t��d do bal�ku jar.

10.11.00 P�ibyl odkaz na manu�l z menu -> help

6.10.00 Funguje zobrazen� dal��ch sad atribut� u vybran�ho vrcholu; �koda, �e se to nikde nepou��v�

5.10.00 Odstran�ny deprecation warnings

2.10.00 Funguje pseudo k�dov�n� �esk�ch znak� v dotazech

29.9.00 Funguje unicode k�dov�n� �esk�ch znak� v dotazech

20.9.00 dotser.c: Opravena zanesen� chyba ve vyhled�vac�m algoritmu

14.9.00 dotser.c, Vrchol matchuj�c� s ko�enem dotazu zv�razn�n v nalezen�m strom�.

7.9.00 dotser.c, V z�le�ce 'trees' p�id�n v�pis jm�na souboru, ze kter�ho je nalezen� strom

5.9.00 NGklient.html: Dod�l�na automatick� detekce velikosti okna prohl�e�e i pro swingov� verze

1.9.00 V z�lo�ce 'files' p�id�no tla��tko pro p�id�n� ozna�en�ch soubor� k vybran�m

24.7.00 V z�lo�ce 'trees' p�ed�l�n v�b�r zobrazovan�ch atribut� na tabulku se za�krt�vac�mi pol��ky

18.7.00 V z�lo�ce 'files' p�id�no tla��tko pro maz�n� seznamu vybran�ch soubor�
                       K tla��tk�m p�id�ny tooltipy
                       V�pis adres��� p�ed�l�n z JListu na JTree -> p�ibyly ikonky

17.7.00 Timer vypisuje te�ku p�i ka�d� opakovan� ��dosti
                       V z�lo�ce 'files' p�id�no tla��tko pro p�id�n� v�ech soubor� v aktu�ln� cest� k vybran�m

11.7.00 Pro opakovan� na��t�n� stromu (p�i ne�sp�n� ��dosti) pou�it timer

30.6.00 P�id�no tla��tko show/hide pro zobrazen�/skryt� skr�van�ch vrchol�.
                       Implementov�ny v�znamy nov�ch typ� atribut� (W a H).
                       Na pozici 1 vypisovan� v�ty se d�v� p�ednost libovoln�mu slovu p�ed '???'.

28.6.00 Graficky vylep�en� a parametrizovan� vykreslov�n� stromu

27.6.00 loadsave.cpp:  Zobrazuj� se u� v�echny stromy (analytick� i tektogramatick�).

26.6.00 loadsave.cpp:  Roz���eno na��t�n� strom� pro typy atribut� u tektogramatick�ch strom�,
                       ale zat�m bez implementace v�znamu nov�ch typ�; n�kter� stromy se nezobraz�

12.6.00 Zprovozn�na polo�ka hlavn�ho menu 'Nastaven�' -> 'k�dov�n� znak� ve stromech'

7.6.00  Do polo�ky 'N�pov�da' hlavn�ho menu p�id�na star� AWT n�pov�da

5.6.00  P�id�no hlavn� menu a zprovozn�ny polo�ky 'Zobrazen�' -> 'pou�ij intern�/extern� info bar'

1.6.00 dotser.c:       Zak�z�n p�echod do adres��e, jeho� 'pwd' cesta neza��n� v�choz� cestou.

31.5.00 Klient internacializov�n podle parametr� - �esk� a anglick� verze GUI

30.5.00 Klient kompletn� p�eps�n do objekt� a do knihovny Swing
                       Dotaz se p�e do combo-boxu => historie �sp�n�ch dotaz�

13.4.00 start.html, klient[8,10,12].html: 'localhost' nahrazen natvrdo napsan�m '' - za�alo to fungovat

Vznikl adres�� /net/ba/h/pzc/public_html/netgraph, kam m�m pr�va z�pisu, p��stupn� p�es web:

12.4.00 start.html:    Inici�ln� nastaven� v NN3 vyzve u�ivatele,
                       v IE automaticky podle velikosti vnit�n�ho okna.

11.4.00 start.html:    Inici�ln� nastaven� velikosti appletu podle velikosti okna
                       (window.innerWidth, innerHeight), ale probl�m v NN3 a IE.